Sunday, September 24, 2017

When Cancer Returns

My breast cancer returned after 10 years. That is why I have been neglecting my blog. You might conclude it is because I am struggling physically and emotionally. This is not the case. (I am not claiming things are perfect but my life is very manageable.) 

I haven't been writing because as a person who lives what I advocate and l advocate for alternative, and healthy lifestyle interventions, I was torn mentally; I want to be a responsible person. Am I advocating to others interventions that don't work? I am now completely convinced that alternative interventions and healthy lifestyle are essential to successful healing and maintaining good health. So, I feel free to write again. 

Basically, I have learned that some types of cancer are a chronic disease and my health choices were working up to this point. The unfortunate truth is aging has a negative effect on the immune system, as does living in an increasingly polluted environment, and so do unresolved fears/angers (stress chemicals are released into the body.) I do not like the idea of describing myself as a person with a chronic disease because I view that as giving in, defeatist. Rather, I view myself as a person on a journey toward excellent health.

I had a consultation with an oncologist, he said in effect, after 10 years and cancer returns, this is just bad luck. He stated the seeds of cancer are always with us hiding in places that even chemotherapy can't get to. Some might find this a negative, fatalistic statement. But what it said to me was chemotherapy is not a cure for everything. And the body's immune system is everywhere so I need to put my focus there. I had gotten lax about following through with my healthy lifestyle and lazy about food choices. I need to be mindful and consistent in healthy living choices.

My functional medicine doctor said she found it impressive that after reading my case history I had no cancer reoccurrence for ten years. My personal belief system is to not over invest in the details of my diagnosis. Because I have studied psychology and hypnosis I know the power of the mind. In the end, it is the mind that heals, or the mind that kills. For the scientifically inclined we call it stress reaction. 

The stages of cancer are irrelevant to me. It's more important to know that refined sugar, dairy products, alcohol, and red meat are acidic, inflammatory foods that create a cancer prone environment in the body (blood). While vitamin C, iodine, turmeric, fresh fruit and vegetables, and managing your glucose levels through the day, along with good sleep create an anticancer environment in the body. 

I am very angry to have to deal with cancer again. I recently read a book where the author explained that individuals with chronic pain or chronic diseases feel betrayed by their bodies. I gave this a lot of thought and realized this was true for me. Accepting my anger is essential to the healing process. Most of the time I can move past it but sometimes not so much. It is important not to live in anger because it creates stress and the biochemical conditions of stress feed cancer cells. 

The doctors of 10 years ago treated cancer like an automatic death sentence. I am sure that is part of why I rejected the allopathic standard of care. Now the approach seems to be that cancer is a chronic disease that can be dealt with and lived with. The body's immune system always has had the ability to identify and destroy mutated cancer cells. Why does the body lose that ability? Many researchers think the problem is caused by viruses, or our polluted food and water. For example, sometimes the body cant recognize virus mutated cells because they have the DNA of the body itself. When it comes to things like mercury (found in fish), the body has no process for eliminating it from the body so it accumulates in the organs.

I first started writing my blog in response to having breast cancer. I wanted to share what I had learned with others so they could make informed choices. I chose to do a mixture of interventions including surgery, as well as, complementary and alternative treatments. I did not do chemotherapy or radiation treatments. 

When I tell people my beliefs about chemotherapy I am always surprised how many get personally offended. I am not criticizing anyone; I'm talking about me. However, anyone who chooses chemotherapy should be honest enough with themselves to accept the fact that you are poisoning every cell in your body and will have future effects that doctors tend not to mention. Even surgery has long term after effects. 

For those who need to know specifically what my interventions are, I see an oncologist for hormone therapy. I work with a D.O. at a health and wellness clinic on stress and receive vitamin C infusions. I take a variety of researched supplements daily. I eat a diet I personalized for myself based on Anthony William's books...lots of fruit, and a potato and bone broth soup every day, also Reishi mushroom coffee. I get 8 hours of sleep, drink lots of water, avoid stress, and visit friends. I get massages, see a chiropractor, and have a body talk session (energy work) with a friend. I also try to swim often and am taking up an exercise program called MELT. I pray a lot, have my name on prayer lists, and have a bottle of sacred water from Lourdes. I feel very good now. I did not realize how bad I felt previous to my recent diagnosis. I just thought it was old age, extreme allergies, or maybe pneumonia. I've been on this healing program three months and I feel really good. Please do not think of me as battling cancer.” I don’t like that mental approach; to me it implies winners and losers. I prefer to view myself on a life journey to reveal excellent health, Mind/Body and Spirit.

I believe every person must choose a course of action that they believe in because the belief in ones ability to heal is absolutely essential to the process. Every person is worthy of healing. If you don't know this to the core of your being, then you need to start there. The energy of the Spirit is the energy that empowers healing. Mind, Body and Spirit, it all works together.

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