Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Leap of Faith

Life is all around us and it speaks to us. Nature takes us out of the ego mind programming and leads us to reflective thinking. Like now—the evening sun glimmering on the green leaves of the pin-oak tree—says life is ever present and life is good.

A few days ago, a grasshopper landed on the outside of a window near where I was. Why was that noteworthy—because I was on the seventh floor. Can they jump that high? I do not know but I don’t think so. I believe in the wonderful synchronicity of life knowing I can draw meaning from all that lives with me on Mother Earth. I looked up the symbolism of grasshopper for an insight that resonates with my inner knowing.

Grasshoppers/Locusts medicine includes jumping across space and time, astral travel, new leaps forward/leaps of faith/jumping without knowing where you will land, leaping over obstacles, ability to change careers quickly—Grasshopper is the Chinese symbol of good luck and abundance. Anyone with this power animal has been given the ability to take chances - to act on a whim and jump right in. For them things may not progress step by step as they do for other people progress - but rather extremely fast. When taking that leap simply trust your own instincts on when to make the leaps. Listening to your inner voice and responding to it will lead you to positive outcomes. Don’t be afraid to make that leap, remembering all the while that Grasshopper’s only ever jump forwards and never backwards! You are being asked to take a leap of faith, to do something without fear - this will generally be something that you have avoided doing and is often linked to a change in direction on a grander scale.

By accepting the grasshopper as a gift from nature, the symbolism brings me encouragement. The synchronicity sings. I know that I will be leaving one career behind soon and change is sometimes worrisome-but the grasshopper says, “Take a leap of faith.” 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Who took my joy-I want it back: LAUGHTER YOGA

I have been bemoaning that there is no joy in my life—I have become just too serious. I called out to the Universe—I need more joy in my life. Then I found laughter yoga—what a wonderful experience!!!

Research has proved that just 10-20 minutes of fake or real laughter has a profound benefit on the human body.

Check out the website---it even tells you how to start your own laughter club.

Indian physician Dr. Madan Kataria pioneered the concept of laughter clubs worldwide. He developed Laughter Yoga, a purely physical form of exercise that simulates laughter with playfulness and eye contact within a group. It does not rely on humor, jokes and comedy and is therefore the easiest method to exercise the entire body system --- it’s a lot more fun that a stationery bicycle!
The most obvious effect is on the mood state as laughter has the ability to elevate the mood within seconds. It releases endorphins, natural opiates which ‘kick start’ good feelings and make one feel safe and comfortable. Laughter is also known to keep away negative emotions like anxiety and depression, which tend to weaken the immune system. It relieves stress, a common cause of heart and blood pressure problems.
Laughter Yoga improves lung capacity and oxygen levels in the blood and thus reducing complaints of asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory complications. The increased level of endorphins reduces the frequency and intensity of arthritic pain and muscular spasms. It is also known to help with insomnia, migraines, allergies, and ulcers.

Laughter Yoga Clubs
Laughter Yoga Clubs were started by Indian physician, Dr. Madan Kataria in 1995 with 
five people. The Laughter Movement is a global phenomenon with over 6000 clubs in 60 countries. Realizing the tremendous power of laughter and its efficacy as the best prescription for wellness, Laughter Clubs have brought smiles and laughter in the lives of many people suffering from physical and mental and emotional upsets.