Monday, December 17, 2012

At The Crossroads: Finding Meaning in Sorrow

When shocking things happen, we as individuals strive to understand. The tradgedy at New Town, Conneticut touches us all. I cannot be distant from this horrific event. Every person who has ever loved a child, a son, a daughter, niece, nephew, or dedicated themselves to working with children has a hollow feeling of loss in their hearts. My mind struggles to make sense of this—my thoughts wander through darkness trying to find meaning.
Grief for me is a cold, lonely thing and I just want to reach out and make the world warm again.
What happened is real to me. The news reports arouse memories of the years I spent working in the schools. The Sandy Hook educators are my kindred spirits. I know their days. The reading teacher, the school psychologist—their thoughts are my thoughts. The sights and sounds of the school day--the day’s routines—the aliveness and hopefulness in the children’s faces—the deep, peaceful joy of helping them learn gave meaning to my days. To be of service to children is a wonderful work---these educators are my kindred spirits.
I remember one of my own students, a blond, blue-eyed third grade boy, who never returned from the school holiday. His friend shot him. The boys had found his father’s loaded gun under the bed.
I think about the young Connecticut shooter. Not much is known about him. He is described as a child alone in the group of peers, someone vulnerable and at risk of peer influence. Home schooled because the school environment was too much for him. His babysitter states his mother said Adam should never be left alone. As a school psychologist, these statements are red flags to me. I wonder why Adam did not receive the services he needed. I speculate did he have an undiagnosed Pervasive Developmental Delay? These individuals are often very intelligent but when a thought consumes their thinking it becomes reality--they act and react totally unaware of logical consequences, or moral rightness.
Is this shooting tragedy the result of our gun-obsessed culture? We are a gun-addicted culture; addicts use crutches—alcohol, drugs, and sex—to feel in control of their lives. It is my belief that the gun obsessed cling to their guns out of fear of the unknown and an addiction to the head rush they get when firing their guns. Getting the gun obsessed to give up a gun will be as difficult as telling a junkie his survival depends on giving up dope.
I do not need a gun to feel safe, confident or powerful and I feel sorrow for those who do need a gun to cope with life. I was saddened and disgusted to hear a former US Secretary of Education say that every school should have an armed adult—that this would keep tragedy from occurring. Guns to counteract guns—violence to counter act violence. This idea pains my soul. I believe we are at a spiritual cross road the lighted road of hope and healing, or the dark road of reactionary fear.
I have always been drawn to John Donne’s poem No Man Is An Island.
No man is an island,

Entire of itself.

Each is a piece of the continent,

A part of the main.

If a clod be washed away by the sea,

Europe is the less.

As well as if a promontory were.

As well as if a manor of thine own

Or of thine friend's were.

Each man's death diminishes me,

For I am involved in mankind.

Therefore, send not to know

For whom the bell tolls,

It tolls for thee.

How can we understand—make meaning of  this horrific tragedy? How can we help and heal? I remember reading Viktor Frankl’s book Man's Search for Meaning. In Frankl’s 1946 book he tells of his experiences as an inmate in concentration camp. He describes his self realized method of finding a reason to live, to continue. “We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms—to choose one’s own attitude in any given set of circumstances—to choose one’s own way.”
Frankl concludes that the meaning of life is found in every moment of living; life never ceases to have meaning, even in suffering and death. In a group therapy session during a mass fast inflicted on the camp's inmates trying to protect an anonymous fellow inmate from fatal retribution by authorities, Frankl offered the thought that for everyone in a dire condition there is someone looking down, a friend, family member, or even God, who would expect not to be disappointed. 

----A thought transfixed me: for the first time in my life I saw the truth as it is set into song by so many poets, proclaimed as the final wisdom by so many thinkers. The truth – that love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire. Then I grasped the meaning of the greatest secret that human poetry and human thought and belief have to impart: The salvation of man is through love and in love. I understood how a man who has nothing left in this world still may know bliss, be it only for a brief moment, in the contemplation of his beloved. In a position of utter desolation, when man cannot express himself in positive action, when his only achievement may consist in enduring his sufferings in the right way – an honorable way – in such a position man can, through loving contemplation of the image he carries of his beloved, achieve fulfillment. For the first time in my life I was able to understand the meaning of the words, "The angels are lost in perpetual contemplation of an infinite glory...."

Frankl suggests that there are things we can do to help ourselves, 1.)  Creativity or giving something to the world through self-expression, 2.) Experiencing the world by interacting authentically with our environment and with others, and 3.) Changing our attitude when we are faced with a situation or circumstance that we cannot change.
Suffering in and of itself is meaningless; we give our suffering meaning by the way in which we respond to it. At one point, Frankl writes that a person “may remain brave, dignified and unselfish, or in the bitter fight for self-preservation he may forget his human dignity and become no more than an animal.”
Frankl’s most enduring insight is--forces beyond one’s control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation. You cannot control what happens to you in life, but you can always control what you will feel and do about what happens to you.
How we choose to respond as a nation is a spiritual challange. May the Creator bless us and give us the strength to move forward with hope and love as we face building our tomorrow.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Synergy of Dreams

Dreams have synergy. The interaction of the individual elements of the dream, which when combined produce a total effect, or understanding that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, or contributions.

My Dream:
I was driving my car up a steep hill. I was to short to touch the pedals—so I was wondering what is making the car go fast? Because the hill is so steep and I am so short, I could barely see over the hood of the car at was up the road. There was person sitting on the passenger side. We were driving through a neighborhood. She (the passenger) yelled Slow down—Stop! The neighbors were yelling at me Slow down—Stop! I yelled my feet don’t touch the pedals. The people looked daggers at me—in their minds they were saying so why do you have a car? Why are you driving so fast?

The person next to me yelled don’t you see the family in the street and the Santa Claus talking to the children? I strained to be taller. I saw them. I tried to reach the break pedal and then I could not see what was in front of me. I thought I would have to swerve the car into something to stop the car. I swerved toward a light pole and a bunch of trash cans and come to a stop. My passenger and I got out of the car to speak to the family. I thought now they will call the police. I woke up.

When I woke up I felt frustrated. I know that cars represent my physical body moving through my physical life. I have many dreams about driving cars and I am really irritated that I have had another dream where I am feeling like my life is not under my own control. And I am angry because the next logical step in the dream would be to apologize to the family and explain my actions to the police. I am relieved I woke up before the apologies and explanations because I am tried of justifying my actions and myself to others. It is a disgusting feeling to wake up and say to myself I feel as if I am totally inadequate even in my dreams. And then I wonder why I cannot just have a restful sleep—why does the world (my society) judge me harshly even in my dreams?
I decided not to write the dream down and go back to sleep.

However when I woke up the memory of the dream was still there. That tells me I need to write it down and work with it. I wrote the dream down but I was too frustrated to analyze the dream images. So what to do in a case like this?

I relaxed into a meditative state, put myself into the dream, step back and let the dream continue. I like this process of working with dreams because when I am frustrated it puts me back into a productive focus. Our dreams always work to the service of our own good but the ego mind tends to forget this truth. I write the images and actions down as they present themselves and I make no effort to analyze or be introspective. I simply scribe what I see.

The Dream revisited:
I am driving my car. I make myself larger. Now I can see. I put on the brakes and I park the car. I greet the family. I greet Santa. Santa pulls a package from his bag and hands it to me. The package is wrapped in gold paper with a pink ribbon. I open the package—inside is a diamond heart.

I decide to look the images up in a dream symbol dictionary because I am not ready to accept the gift—it seemed too wonderful. Just that statement tells me to remember every element of the dream represents pieces of myself.

Now as I write this I say Yes, I am the driver. But I am also the critical passenger—I am the critical neighbor—I am the children—I am the parents—and I am Santa Claus. The road is obviously my life path. When they look daggers at me---they are not criticizing—they are saying see the point, look sharply. Slow down and stop, notice the life around you.

The actual life context is that I have just made a complete stop and 90 degree turn in my career life. My decision might be judged by others/my society as representing laziness or a lack of professionalism. Truthfully I worry about the opinions of others more than I should—this is a life long lesson.

My feet do not touch the pedals—I feel like I do not have control of my own life. When I strain to make myself taller, I am straining to make myself different from what I am. I cannot touch the pedals and see the road ahead at the same time. Swerving the car and stopping represents an action I have just taken in my life. The choice of running into a light pole or of running into trashcans says I can view my choice as being enlightened action or trash (something wasted.)

By revisiting the dream and accepting the present from Santa, I am giving my self a gift. The diamond quality represents that I have gained information, insight, and an idea of great value, something hard, stable and indestructible. The heart quality represents love, stamina, feelings, desire, energy, and the place of ones emotions.

The synergy of the dream tells me that what I thought I wanted was not my life path.  I should slow down and stop, notice the life around me, look sharply and see the point. There is nothing inherently wrong with making a 90-degree turn to a different choice. The value of the choice lies in my point of view. Do I see this as an enlightened action? Do I view what I was doing before as time wasted, or something of value? The gift from Santa (the gift from me to me) is that I am valuable and what I do is valuable and that the strength of what I do lies in he quality of love that I bring to the situations in which I choose to participate.

8/9/2012, I attended a spiritual gathering at the Soul Esteem Center today. The presentation was on getting beyond feelings of guilt, which was very synergistic with the message in my dream. One of the speakers was discussing the symbolism of Santa Claus (St. Nicholas)--inherent to this symbol is the idea of unconditional love. Santa is a figure who leaves you a gift with no expectation of receiving anything in return. In the context of my dream, Santa (my inner spirit) views me as worthy of nonjudgmental, unconditional love--an honoring of all that I am with no need for feelings of guilt or unworthiness on my part.

Dreams do work for our own good but sometimes we are resistant to them because of our ingrained habits and thoughts. I find the choice to revisit a dream is an effective technique for circumventing my individual resistance. It is important to realize that the dream has levels of meaning that will continue to reveal themselves over time. One of the best reasons to write dreams down is that one can revisit them at any time.

How to Survive Doomesday: 12/21/2012

Recently I read a paragraph on a Jungian website: Many people inside our (USA) borders and across the Earth are worried about the Doomsday prediction as the Maya calendar comes to an end.   We have heard reports that some US citizens are unable to sleep and eat because they are stressed about what could happen on December 21st, 2012.  Citizens in Russia hoarding everything from kerosene to candles in preparation while inmates in a prison fall under a mass psychosis. 

What does one do with this anxiety? To me this is mind/body/spirit angst. Angst is a feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression. People are worried about their physical survival. They are worried spiritually—is this truly the end time foretold in the Bible’s revelation? What do I do if I am agnostic and cannot go to the Creator for comfort? Then one has to rely on self to find meaning. Finding meaning is a key element whether one has spiritual belief or if one chooses an agnostic path. For the agnostic the existential path is the path of finding meaning.

A central proposition of existentialism is that existence precedes essence, which means that the most important consideration for the individual is the fact that he or she is an individual—an independently acting and responsible conscious being ("existence")—rather than what labels, roles, stereotypes, definitions, or other preconceived categories the individual fits ("essence"). The actual life of the individual is what constitutes what could be called his or her "true essence" instead of there being an arbitrarily attributed essence used by others to define him or her. Thus, human beings, through their own consciousness, create their own values and determine a meaning to their life. Although it was Sartre who explicitly coined the phrase, similar notions can be found in the thought of existentialist philosophers such as Kierkegaard and Heidegger.

Are we truly doomed? I do not believe we are. The fact that human being through her or his own consciousness creates their own values and determines the meaning of their own life is an essential proposition when facing the future. Is the world ending on 12/21/2012? The truth is millions of people will die on that day and millions will be born.

We are essentially made of energy.

Einstein - "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another." In other words, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, and energy, in all of its forms, has mass. Mass also can neither be created nor destroyed, and in all of its forms, has energy. According to the theory of relativity, mass and energy as commonly understood, are two names for the same thing, and neither one is changed nor transformed into the other. Rather, neither one exists without the other existing also, as a property of a system. Rather than mass being changed into energy, the view of special relativity is that rest mass has been changed to a more mobile form of mass, but remains mass. In the transformation process, neither the amount of mass nor the amount of energy changes, since both are properties, which are connected to each other via a simple constant. Thus, if energy leaves a system by changing its form, it simply takes its system mass with it. This view requires that if either mass or energy disappears from a system, it will always be found that both have simply moved off to another place, where they may both be measured as an increase of both mass and energy corresponding to the loss in the first system.

I find this statement reassuring. However, it could be that the energy and mass moving off to another place is what is causing some individuals a great deal of painful ANGST and fear.

My inner knowing tells me that this is a time of reflection. I wish I spoke the language of calculus because it is the language of physical existence. But I speak the language of the mind, which is the spoken language of a society or culture. And I speak the language of the spirit, which is inner knowing and intuited understanding. I truly believe it is the language of the Spirit that will bring calm and the inner knowing that creates existential meaning.

The search for meaning is the main process of Life. We all know this. How many times have I looked into a mirror and reflected on my Life (this is the ultimate metaphor)?
And said why am I here? We explore our existence through careers, passions, family relationships, and group projects such as cultures, communities and governments. We also explore the meaning of life by exploring self—the ever-evolving landscape of perceptions, feelings, beliefs, responses, choice and actions.

How does one truly face doomsday? By looking face-to-face in the mirror and reflecting on the meaning of one’s own life. What do you do if you look in the mirror and you are not satisfied? Feelings of being satisfied or not satisfied are value judgments of the ego mind, the cultural mind. One needs to look deeper and seek out inner knowing. How does inner knowing become apparent? Through meditation and by going into one’s prayer closet.

Each person will face 12/21/2012 in a uniquely different way. Perhaps the actual purpose of focusing so much attention on this day is to reflect on where am I right now and who do I want to be tomorrow. Do I want to be a person filled with fear? Do I want to be selfish? Do I want to be hopeful? Do I want to be Loving?

My 12/21/2012 plan was to be on a cruise in the Galapagos Islands because I love the ocean and I love all that is alive and free. But that did not work out—I will go next year. My personal experience has taught me that life continues—dying is a choice and death is a doorway. A doomsday lifestyle is a fear-dominated lifestyle. We create the energy we live in by our intentions, choices and actions. Our intentions, choices and actions create meaning in our lives. The first step in surviving doomsday is by identifying what is meaningful in your life and honoring your meaningful intentions, choices and actions. The choice is individual, as well as collective within humanity as we are not really separate, between an evolutionary energy versus a retrograde energy.

It is never to late to take personal, constructive action—time is relative (how many points on a line?—an infinite number.) There are many esoteric individuals who suggest that those who will survive doomsday are those who have a higher vibration—in other words a higher energy. What happens when one prays, meditates, or dreams? You change your energy. You can also change your energy by chanting. If I was overwhelmed with fear and my thoughts were running wild—I would choose chanting. Here are links to guide you into the process of chanting.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Inner-Knowing: Insight into the Big Picture

Previously, I had written in my blog about how essential it is to be in touch with one’s Inner-Knowing. There are many religions and philosophies that recommend this practice and the process is called by many names. It is not my goal to validate a specific religion or a philosophy because to me this information all comes from the same God/Creator source. What we glean from the energy in this knowledge reflects the cultural and societal filters we are exposed to. I always review my Knowing in an effort to eliminate cultural and societal biases.

I view Inner-Knowing to be the manifestation of the Soul as animated by the Spirit, which is the energized Love principal. Love is not simply a feeling reaction—Love is an energy so powerful it creates Life. This Love energy comes to us, from the Creator, down a silver cord to sustain our life and is sometimes referred to as the Holy Spirit. Since the energy is Pure Love energy, it does not judge, criticize, or give one-person power over another. Love energy is egalitarian just as the Creator is egalitarian about all of Creation. (There will be Hell to pay when the Creator asks, why did you poison the drinking water?)

I read an article that described the concept of Soul Competency. The term is very appealing and compelling as I am a person who is drawn to the Spiritual. I like being a trinity of Mind, Body and Spirit. I believe we should live life in a balanced manner evolving our Mind, Body and Spirit.

The essence of understanding Soul Competency is to accept that man is created in the image of the Creator. That man is endowed with an innate awareness and knowing of the Creator/Creation, and is by nature worshipful. Competency implies that the Soul of man is inherently competent, responsible, and ultimately accountable to the Creator and Creation. Man’s soul has the ability to contemplate the Creator and Creation and is capable of making moral judgments.

Love energy flows to us nonstop. When we choose to utilize Spiritual Love energy, it is our Soul Competency that reveals our Inner-Knowing. Inner-Knowing gives us insight into the Big Picture of Life. Choosing to access your Inner-Knowing may not yield answers that are compatible with worldly success. However, communing with Inner-Knowing brings balance, peace and harmony.

YES, IT IS A DISCIPLINED LISTENING BEHAVIOR. And the truth is attaining self-discipline does bring success in the worldly, every-day life.

The other day I was restless. I felt my self-esteem and self-worth eroding. My mind had no focused thought—it was like a black hole filled my mind and my heart. I could not even find words for the question that seemed to be weighing on my mind. It was time to meditate and seek out my Inner-Knowing. Some people call this process—going into your prayer closet. Since Inner-Knowing is inspired by God/Creator’s Love energy, I visualize myself talking to God through the Holy Spirit. (I find my religious bias comforting. It is highly possible that religious scholars would find my beliefs flawed. —I’m just saying)

Q. Hi God, there is a central question that resides in my heart—yet when I try to put it into words—it I like trying to hold onto dry sand. The more I try to examine it the more it mutates shape and finally escapes through my fingers. You know that at the core of my belief system is that you are faithful to your word. You tell us to call out to you and you will hear you and us will answer us. I know this is true.

I often struggle when I cannot hear your response. All kinds of doubts run through my mind. You are too busy to hear me. My needs are too trivial. I’ve displeased or angered you. You are disappointed that after all the time you have invested in me, I lack trust in you—that you are listening to me and caring for me. You’ve given me the gifts to fulfill all of my needs but I don’t trust myself to work it out. You view me as lazy and wasteful. You are upset with me that I do not appreciate how your plan for me works out in my life. I could have done more and a better job at living up to your expectations. Life in the world and circumstances are so dire—you are focusing your attention on more effective spiritual workers. I am too self-involved and you want selfless spiritual workers. I am dominated by my fears and insecurities—this corrupts my energy flow making it weak and useless. All of these thoughts, ideas and more keep me from hearing you.

But still after all of this, I know if I ask you to read the hidden question in my heart and give me an answer, you can and will do this because you love me. You created me and you do not give up on me. You are the perfect parent. So I am here for counsel. What is the answer to the hidden question that troubles my mind?

  1. Daughter be at peace. Our acquaintance-ship is long and tumultuous. Your mind is like a ship in a rough sea—tossed about in the winds of change. You are wise in your willingness to accept the unseen and seek the truth that lies therein. Am I faithful to my creation? I Am—indeed without fail—millennia upon millennia. Can I answer your every need? I can and do. Wherein lies your confusion? It is in the shifting tide of your perception. Your thoughts are your life raft. You cling to them to save your soul. Your raft is often flimsy and ill conceived. Your thoughts are the thoughts of man. Be still and listen within. Do I send winds of change? The answer is yes. Those who see me as frozen in time neglect to see me in Nature—my true nature ever evolving. Do I impose my will upon your daily lives? I do not. I have not empowered anyone to do what I myself choose not to do. I give free will. I give choice. I give sunlight. I give air. I give the enlivening power of Love.
You want me to speak to the hidden question in your heart. It is I who put the question in your heart. It is you I created to find the answer. The answer is the evolving path of your life to your inner knowing. I would only add judge not by the mind of man. All of your doubts and questions lie in the man-mind. All of your answers lie in the Spirit Mind. Your man-mind is a flimsy raft on the storm tossed ocean of emotion. Your Spirit Mind has the potential to walk on water, as my Son did not so long ago.

As I have told you Daughter, when you—when anyone calls put to me I send forth a Love energy. This energy is an inspiration. This Love energy energizes that which is yourself and the answers to your needs are co created. I send the same Love energy to the person standing next to you—the same energy and as much. No one receives less and no receives more. How you use the energy is free will. It is not up to you to judge—rightness, wrongness, goodness, badness. The Spirit’s duty is to discern my Love empowering each living thing and to honor the fact that I live in each living thing. To diminish the value of any other living being or living aspect of my creation is to devalue Me—I AM. Nothing is made but that it was made from Me.

One final thought---learning to listen to you inner guidance is time well spent. If your logical mind starts trying to edit grammar, or questions vocabulary, or begins to actively judge---take a deep breath, let it out slowly and refocus on just listening. Remember the Knowing you receive is primarily for your own growth. I believe this process to be egalitarian--for everyone. Soul Competency is self-responsibility--respect others' free will.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ghee Butter

Life often seems to be about reconciling the past with the present and then choosing a path to the future. This idea seems to be a constant theme in all aspects of my life—mind body and spirit. Some truths are true always---yet these truths are actually only partially true because our understanding is limited by our current lack of complete knowledge. This seems like circular logic and to those of us who live in societies that tend to be linear—A leads to B, which leads to C---it becomes easy to discount or disregard knowledge that comes to us from the past.

Worse yet often very beneficial knowledge, which cannot be patented or copy written for royalty payments, is trashed or claimed as quackery. Our profit driven society is not willing to honestly investigate ancient or natural therapeutic modalities because they have no motivation to do so. This is one of the big problems with a purely profit driven economy and society. I am happy to say many individuals who live in the United States realize a balanced approach to life is the healthiest for mind, body and spirit.

All things evolve even knowledge. What we know and what is useful to us evolves based on new cognitive connections. The ancient scientists, like modern scientist, were systematic observers. They organized their observations into formalized systems of knowledge. One of those systems was Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurvedic medicine is a Hindu system of traditional medicine native to India and a form of alternative medicine. For millennia Ayurvedic physicians have been recommending ghee, clarified butter, in small quantities as a healing food that balances body and mind. Ghee is a powerful tonic to improve digestion, heal wounds, fight free radicals and boost the immune system.

The science behind ghee effectiveness lies in its essential nature as a fat. Most digestive enzymes have fat as a precursor and are fat-soluble. Ghee stimulates those enzymes allowing food to be broken down efficiently. Ayurvedic practitioners use ghee as a base for herbal preparations because of its ability to penetrate the body’s lipid based cell walls quickly and evenly. The vitamins E, D, and beta-carotene found in ghee are powerful free radical fighters and anti-oxidants, which help protect cell walls. The high concentration of butyric acid, a fatty acid that contains anti-viral properties, is believed to inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors.

Ghee has anti-inflammatory properties and is believed to lubricate connective tissues in the body, which can help to improve flexibility and provide the body with essential antioxidants. The immune system is strengthened by the reduced inflammation, which also speeds the recovery of wounds and heals blisters. It is believed to increase intelligence and memory, rejuvenates skin and balances the hormones, and is good for the lactose intolerant as the lactose sugar is broken down on clarification. Ghee aids digestive health when used in place of butter, oils and other fats by helping to reduce stomach acid.  This action tends to protect and aid in repairing the stomach lining. Ghee as a healing agent makes it effective in treating discomfort from harmful toxins and acids that build up in the digestive system. Ayurveda practitioners use ghee to treat chronic peptic ulcers and promote intestinal tract health. The combination of saturated fat and cholesterol can increase the risk for heart disease.
Ghee is an option if you want to eliminate dairy from your diet or are casein sensitive. Unlike the saturated fats found in animal meats, ghee is easy to digest. Although it’s composed of 65 percent saturated fat, a significantly higher proportion than most common cooking oils, the strong flavor means that you need much less of it for cooking. Ghee contains no salt or lactose. It is delicious to taste, does not go bad or oxidize on exposure to air. Ghee can be made at home.

To Prepare Ghee, clarified butter
Start with a good quality organic butter. Butter is melted in a pot over medium heat. As the butter melts it forms a white froth on top. Simmer the butter--occasional slow stirring reduces the froth. The butter changes color to a pale yellow. Cooked on low heat until it turns golden. The residue settles at the bottom. The ghee is ready when it is clear, golden, translucent and fragrant. Filter the ghee through cheesecloth. It will solidify when completely cool. When Ghee is kept in an airtight container, which prevents oxidation, it needs no refrigeration while having a long shelf life. The source of the milk and the duration of boiling determine the texture, color, and taste.

Ghee is an ideal cooking oil as it has a high smoke point of 375 degrees Fahrenheit. It does not burn at normal cooking temperatures and doesn’t splatter when sautéing or frying. Ghee can be kept without refrigeration for weeks due to its low moisture content. It must be kept covered free from water contamination and stored in a cool place. When tightly wrapped and refrigerated it will last six months, and if frozen will last a year. 

Ghee should be used sparingly. A good guideline is one tablespoon of ghee as opposed to four tablespoons of any other butter or cooking oil.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Detox Baths and Foot Baths: Happy soaking!

Hello friends, this is an update of a previous article on healing power of the detox bath. Happy soaking!
The skin is the largest organ in the body. One-third of all invading bacteria, viruses, and toxins are eliminated through the skin. When the liver, colon, and kidneys become overwhelmed, the skin picks up the slack. Toxins are processed through the pores to the surface of the skin. Often it is difficult for the body to keep up with the task of removing environmental pollutants and chemicals, as well as, excessive fats, preservatives and impurities found in our food. We end up carrying an accumulation of toxins in our bodies. The symptoms of toxic over load include fatigue, intestinal irregularity, acne, skin inflammation, brown spots, achy joints and heavy bags under your eyes. Excess uric acid in the body can contribute to muscle, joint, tendon inflammation and pain. Effective detoxifying of the body treats vaginal yeast infections and restores acid-alkaline balance to the body.
A great way to detox the body is by soaking in a bathtub. For those with mobility issues a convenient alternative is the footbath.
If you are new to the Detox Bath procedure start slow-- do not soak more than 10-15 minutes and build up to 30 minutes if you can tolerate it. You should drink plenty of water throughout the day, so that you do not dehydrate during your soaking. During your soak drinking hot herbal tea will promote the sweating or drink carrot or a vegetable juice to replenish minerals is excellent. Use unchlorinated water, if unchlorinated water is not available add 2 Tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) to the bathwater.
According to Naturopath Dr. Hazel Parcells, an expert on detoxification, hot water draws toxins out of the body to the skin’s surface, while taking a follow up cool shower pulls toxins from the skin. Hot water, 98 degrees is considered very warm when beginning the detox baths, draws toxins out of the body to the skin’s surface. If you are already used to warmer water choose a water temperature you tolerate easily. It is suggested you do not submerge your head, avoid rubbing dry rather pat dry and wrap yourself in a dry towel and keep your feet covered when you get out of the bath. It is often good to go right to bed after a detoxing bath.
Remember the toxin pulling action may create some body stress. After soaking in a full bath, rise up slowly. Rinse in slightly warm water to wash off toxins and then rinse in cool water for just a few seconds. This prevents the blood from pooling. As a result of the toxins being pulled from your body, you may feel headachy, lightheaded, fuzzy and fatigued.
You may experience flu-like symptoms during the detoxification because your body is ridding itself of poisons. You can get some relief from these symptoms by taking baths using Epsom salts (1 to 2 cups) and baking soda (1 cup) in a tub of water and soaking for 20 minutes. Baths should be taken on a daily basis during detox and rotated, switching to a different type of bath each day. After detoxing, use whichever bath seems appropriate to meet your current needs.

Common salts used in detox baths include Epsom salts, sea salt, baking soda, Dead Sea salts and Bentonite Clay are highly alkaline and cleansing. Betonite clay should be used with care and only as directed as it may clog household plumbing. For a full bath, put 1 cup of Epsom Salts for every 60 pounds of body weight, or pour 3-4 cups in each time you soak to promote lymphatic drainage. Hydrogen peroxide can be added for oxygenation. One cup of baking soda, which acts as a mild antiseptic, opens pores, relieves itching and skin irritation and is good for skin conditions such as eczema; helps with metal toxicity and promotes acidic balance.
Seaweed Detox Bath--overall detox, nourishing benefits for skin, increase microcirculation, filled with minerals. Seaweed is believed to absorb toxins by up to 50 percent of its dry weight. Add a large piece of seaweed, kelp, or one tablespoon of dulse flakes to a pot of boiling water and let steep for 1/2 hour. Strain and add to bath water. Soak for 20 minutes

Epsom salts for detox-- magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) is absorbed through the skin in a bath, it helps to draw toxins from the body, reduce swelling and relax muscles. Epsom salts are named for the mineral rich waters of Epsom, England, where they were known at least as far back as Shakespeare's day.

Himalayan Salt Detox Bath Recipe--overall detox, relaxation, balance energy, infuse minerals into body (Himalayan salt contains 84 minerals and trace minerals that can be absorbed through your skin) and skin softening--2 1/2 pounds Himalayan Salt Add to bathtub water--soak for 20 minutes--do not shower off salt. Instead, just pat dry with a towel.
EPSOM SALTS AND GINGER--opens pores, eliminates toxins, helps to eliminate pain. Stir one cup of Epsom salts and 2 tablespoons of ginger in a cup of water first, then add to the bath-do not remain in the tub for more than 30 minutes

SALT AND SODA--counteracts the effects of radiation, whether from X-rays, cancer treatment radiation, fallout from the atmosphere, or television radiation-1 cup of baking soda and 1 to 2 cups of ordinary coarse salt (or Epsom salts or sea salt) to a tub of water-soak for 20 minutes

EPSOM SALTS, SEA SALT, AND SESAME OIL--helps with dry skin and stress. Take 1 cup of Epsom salt, 1 cup of sea salt and 1 cup of sesame oil and put into a warm to hot tub of water and soak for 20 minutes--at yourself dry.

VINEGAR BATH--used when the body is too acidic to restoring the acid-alkaline balance--1 cup to 2 quarts of 100% apple cider vinegar to a bathtub of warm water--soak 40 to 45 minutes—eliminates excess uric acid in the body and especially for the joints, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and gout.

Feet have been recognized as healing focal points as long ago Chinese healers began defining reflexology points in the foot. The acupressure points located on the feet are considered energy channels that connect to the rest of the body and major organs. As the hot water and ingredients in the footbath stimulate these organs, they release toxins and metals through these body channels to the feet and then out of the body. Foot detoxing benefits your internal organs, as well as the lymph, circulatory and respiratory systems. 

If your choice is the footbath follow the same procedure, first soak your feet in hot water and then rinse the in cool water. For footbaths; soak feet until water begins to feel tepid, then dry off the feet and put on socks. Check with your physician if you have high blood pressure, heart or kidney problems, are diabetic, are pregnant/breast feeding, have a pacemaker, or transplant before starting a detox bath to see if it is right for you.
An effective detox footbath recipe can be made in your kitchen. Mix together 1 cup of sea salt, 1 cup of Epsom salt, and 2 cups of baking soda. Mix together well and store this bath mixture in an airtight container. When you are ready for your detox bath use a square basin, designated only for soaking your feet, or fill bathtub until the water covers your ankles. Make the water as hot as you can comfortably stand it and while filling the basin add 1/4 cup of the detox mixture. Find a relaxing place to sit, and sit with your feet in the water for 30 minutes. The hot water and salts combination works to leach toxins from your system and draws the toxins to the reflexology channels and out of the feet. 

 Foot baths recipes:                                                                                                                  A. 1 TBSP of Mustard Powder and 1 TSP of Cayenne Powder (raises core body temp); B. 1/2 cup of Epsom and 1/2 cup of Sea salt for every 60 pounds of body weight; C. 1/2 cup of Epsom and 1 cup of Hydrogen Peroxide w/1 TBsp of Baking Soda; D. 2 Tbsp of Ginger (helps to open pores and aids in the detox);                                        E. 1-2 Tbsp of an essential oil (if you have dry skin); F. 2-3 cups of 100% apple cider vinegar if your body is too acidic.
After you remove your feet from your bath, brush them with a natural fiber brush to remove any toxins and dead skin, and then rinse with warm water. For softening use organic lotions and avoid lotions with additives as feet quickly absorb what is on them.

Tea Detox--combine one cup of Epsom salts with one unopened peppermint tea bag, and one unopened chamomile tea bag, placing all items in a basin of warm water. Soak your feet for thirty minutes.
Honey Foot Bath--use honey, liquid soap, vanilla extract and sweet almond oil. Mix together about 1 tablespoon each of the honey and liquid soap, combine with one teaspoon of the vanilla extract, and two tablespoons of the sweet almond oil, pour into foot bath with enough warm water to cover feet and soak for twenty minutes. Honey is antibacterial, antioxidant, and a wonderful, natural moisturizer.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Anti-fungal Herbs and Essential Oils

(Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Friday it found "greenish black foreign matter" and other contaminants in an injectable steroid produced by the New England Compounding Center, the pharmacy at the heart of a deadly U.S. meningitis outbreak.

WASHINGTON - The black mold creeping into the spines of hundreds of people who got tainted shots for back pain marks uncharted medical territory. Never before has this particular fungus been found to cause meningitis. It's incredibly hard to diagnose, and to kill — requiring at least three months of a treatment that can cause hallucinations. There's no good way to predict survival, or when it's safe to stop treating, or exactly how to monitor those who fear the fungus may be festering silently in their bodies. "I don't think there is a precedent for this kind of thing," said Dr. Arjun Srinivasan of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

I am very interested in the individuals receiving the contaminated steroid injections. I definitely personalize this very sad situation because I had tried steroid injections for back pain about a year ago—it could have been me. More than ever I am glad that I made the proactive choice to study alternative wellness approaches and herbal therapeutics. What would I do for myself, or someone I love?
I am a conservative herbalist. When I read the statement, “this particular fungus been found to cause meningitis. It's incredibly hard to diagnose, and to kill — requiring at least three months of a treatment that can cause hallucinations” I wonder what can these individuals do that is not so systemically damaging to the body. Of course if one is on the edge of a stroke, you should not leave the hospital. Hospitals work best for critical care and life threatening situations. I have no opinion on the standard of medical treatment for the individuals suffering the effects of the fungus contaminated steroid injections. 
However if the fungal infection were a chronic issue, I would have a talk with my physician about incorporating adjunctive therapies. In fact if I were in the hospital, I would find a way to incorporate essential oil massage, aromatherapy, and herbal teas into my program.
The three traditional uses of essential oils in aromatherapy are inhalation, topical application, and ingestion.  I presume a standard physician would be most concerned about the ingestion of the essential oil, or herb. I would opt for using an essential oil through inhalation or topically.
 Herbal products usually contain pieces of the actual plant in a dried form…[while] Essential oils contain the concentrated essence of the plant …When an essential oil is produced, distillation is used to extract the compounds and constituents of the plant… [the] process concentrates the benefits so only a tiny bit of essential oils are needed
Essential oils are lipotropic (fat soluble) and tend to pass through the skin easily. Because of the fairly small molecular structure, essential oils can pass into the bloodstream and surrounding tissues easily allowing their possible effects can be targeted. Many acupressure points that correspond to different parts of the body have been identified on the feet, hands and ears. Using reflexology and massaging the feet, hand, or ears with essential oils can positively affect the corresponding internal organs. You can obtain reflexology charts online.
Essential Oils can be absorbed and have positive effects on these body systems glandular, skin, respiratory, and circulation. Essential oil fragrances are absorbed through blood circulation and nerve pathways from the sinuses into the central glands of the brain, which control emotional, neurological, and immunological functions. Essential oils have direct, powerful pharmacological systemic effect via the blood supply to the brain while there is an indirect effect via the olfactory nerve pathways to the brain. Essential oils inhaled during treatment directly affect the sinuses, throat, and lungs. Essential oils have beneficial effects on circulatory problems. When properly used essential oils are quite safe and highly beneficial. However, individuals can hurt themselves by using these highly concentrated oils improperly.
Topical Application tends to be more common than inhalation and is the preferred method of use for many essential oils. Since essential oils can cause skin irritation they require significant dilution. It is a good idea to try a small skin test of the essential oil to check for skin sensitivity. Lavender Oil and Chamomile Oil are two essential oils that can be applied 'neat' or without dilution to the skin. Cinnamon Oil and Oregano Oil may be applied once highly diluted to the bottoms of the feet. The best idea would be to consult an aroma therapist or herbalist to recommend an essential oil for your needs and to receive instruction on the best application technique.
A diffuser or oil lamp (sometimes called a 'burner') passes a continuous stream of air over your oil source, often simply straight from the bottle, and creates a fine evaporated mist without heating. A candle lamp incorporates a small bowel to which a small amount of water and a few drops of essential oils are added and are gently heated by the candle. Do not over do it---the essential oils are highly concentrated. If you notice a dislike for the smell or mild headache coming on the concentration of certain oils in the air has gotten too high. The effects are very personal - if you don't like the smell of a particular essential oil or combination of oils, there's probably a reason 1. Your intake could be too high or 2. The oil(s) may not be compatible with your body chemistry at that time. 

I do not recommend ingestion of essential oils. However, if you purchase the oil at food grade potency from a grocery store it is great addition to a healthy diet. Also if the idea of using a potent essential oil is intimidating, one can drink the herbal tea. Be sure to allow the tea to steep—follow the directions on the box.
Seven techniques for using Essential Oils
1) Inhalations: On hot compress, Diffusers, In hot water for inhalation. Standard dose is 1-3 drops of essential oil. Best for respiratory and sinus, headaches. Caution: prolonged inhalation of concentrated essential oils can cause headaches, vertigo, dizziness, nausea, and lethargy.
2) Baths: A generally safe does is 5 - 10 drops of milder oils mixed with 1/2 to 1 cup sesame oil or milk then poured into bath. Put oil on water immediately before entering bath, disperse. Caution: overuse of essential oils in the bath can cause irritation. Use only mild, non-irritating oils for bath, such as lavender and clary sage.
3) Compresses: 
10 drops oil in 4 oz hot water, soak cloth, wrap. Good for bruises, wounds, muscular aches and pains, dysmenorrhea, skin problems.
4) Facial steam: 
1 - 5 drops on hot water in a pot, cover head with a towel, steam face. Excellent for opening sinuses, headaches, skin treatment.
5) Massage: 
Be sure to dilute the essential oil typically 2% - 10%. For adults, a 2.5% dilution is recommended for most purposes. For children under 12, 1% is generally safe.
6) Direct Palm Inhalation: Caution this method of use should only be done with oils that can be safely applied to the skin (ask an aroma therapist for an oil recommendation). Apply 1-2 drops of oil to the palms, rub together gently and inhale deeply. This is an excellent method of use for a quick and easy exposure to the anti-microbial and other therapeutic uses of essential oils. Over the counter Tea Tree oil would be appropriate.
7) Diffusers: Candle diffusers, 
 Electric heat diffusers. Cool air nebulizing diffusers. Each has advantages and disadvantages
Safety Recommendations--• Do not use essential oils internally.
• Do not apply directly to skin; always dilute with carrier oil.
• Keep out of reach of children.
• Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
• Do not use citrus oils before exposure to UV light.
• Use only pure essential oils; avoid synthetic fragrances.
• Do not use essential oils on infants, children, pregnant women, the elderly, or those with serious health problems, without advanced medical study.
• Avoid prolonged exposure without ventilation.
• Store essential oils and carrier oils properly to avoid degradation and rancidity.
In case of accidental essential oil ingestion immediately call your local Poison Control Center. Do not induce vomiting. Do not give water if breathing or swallowing is difficult.
Herbs and Essential Oils with Anti-fungal Properties

Oil of Oregano is considered one of the strongest inhibitors of internal yeast infection (Candida). 

Unlike manufactured antibiotics; there is no known tendency for microbes to develop resistance to the effectiveness of oregano. The oil can kill or halt the growth of virtually any fungus and a great majority of bacteria.
Garlic--immune-system booster--causes your body to create more natural killer cells--advisable in the case of fungal infection—use it raw--anyone who can’t take the taste of raw garlic – Puree it in a blender with a little water or oil and apply it to the bottom of the feet. This is an age-old method, which allows the beneficial agents of the garlic to absorb into the body via the tender skin

Pau d'Arco Tea--reported antifungal properties, and in "1000 Cures for 200 Ailments," Dr. Geovanni Espinosa suggests that you drink two cups a day for the maximum benefit.

Tea Tree Oil--Tea tree oil is very commonly used for skin conditions--acts as a fungicide against Malassezia furfur, the fungus that causes pityriasis versicolor, folliculitis, intertrigo, seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff

Black Walnut (hull)-- Black Walnut Hull is one of the most common ingredients in antifungal antiparasitic, antibacterial and herbal formulations, a natural antiseptic.

Barberry – one of the three most common western medicinal roots containing berberine, which has potent antifungal properties--demonstrates significant antifungal activity while leaving beneficial microflora in the gut intact.
Calendula –commonly known as marigold-- antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-

Chamomile – Chamomile has antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s widely known for its natural sedative qualities. Two of its most common uses are to treat wounds and as a sleep aid.
Cinnamon (Bark) – Cinnamon shows antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties. It
Cloves - Cloves contain some of the same phenols as Oil of Oregano, namely carvacrol and thymol, among others, which are highly antifungal in nature, as well as antimicrobial,

Geranium - Geranium exhibits antifungal, antiviral, analgesic, antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, deodorant, and antibacterial properties.
Goldenseal – Goldenseal is another of the three most common western medicinal roots containing berberine, which has potent antifungal properties.--Berberine demonstrates significant anti-fungal activity while leaving beneficial microflora in the gut intact.
Lavender – Lavender has antifungal and antibacterial qualities, which make it all the more reason to have some around the house.
Turmeric - Turmeric is demonstrated to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and anti-cancer properties--a blood purifier, and seems to have blood sugar lowering effects--shown to inhibit the growth of intestinal parasites H. Pylori and Giardia Lambria.