Thursday, November 1, 2012

Detox Baths and Foot Baths: Happy soaking!

Hello friends, this is an update of a previous article on healing power of the detox bath. Happy soaking!
The skin is the largest organ in the body. One-third of all invading bacteria, viruses, and toxins are eliminated through the skin. When the liver, colon, and kidneys become overwhelmed, the skin picks up the slack. Toxins are processed through the pores to the surface of the skin. Often it is difficult for the body to keep up with the task of removing environmental pollutants and chemicals, as well as, excessive fats, preservatives and impurities found in our food. We end up carrying an accumulation of toxins in our bodies. The symptoms of toxic over load include fatigue, intestinal irregularity, acne, skin inflammation, brown spots, achy joints and heavy bags under your eyes. Excess uric acid in the body can contribute to muscle, joint, tendon inflammation and pain. Effective detoxifying of the body treats vaginal yeast infections and restores acid-alkaline balance to the body.
A great way to detox the body is by soaking in a bathtub. For those with mobility issues a convenient alternative is the footbath.
If you are new to the Detox Bath procedure start slow-- do not soak more than 10-15 minutes and build up to 30 minutes if you can tolerate it. You should drink plenty of water throughout the day, so that you do not dehydrate during your soaking. During your soak drinking hot herbal tea will promote the sweating or drink carrot or a vegetable juice to replenish minerals is excellent. Use unchlorinated water, if unchlorinated water is not available add 2 Tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) to the bathwater.
According to Naturopath Dr. Hazel Parcells, an expert on detoxification, hot water draws toxins out of the body to the skin’s surface, while taking a follow up cool shower pulls toxins from the skin. Hot water, 98 degrees is considered very warm when beginning the detox baths, draws toxins out of the body to the skin’s surface. If you are already used to warmer water choose a water temperature you tolerate easily. It is suggested you do not submerge your head, avoid rubbing dry rather pat dry and wrap yourself in a dry towel and keep your feet covered when you get out of the bath. It is often good to go right to bed after a detoxing bath.
Remember the toxin pulling action may create some body stress. After soaking in a full bath, rise up slowly. Rinse in slightly warm water to wash off toxins and then rinse in cool water for just a few seconds. This prevents the blood from pooling. As a result of the toxins being pulled from your body, you may feel headachy, lightheaded, fuzzy and fatigued.
You may experience flu-like symptoms during the detoxification because your body is ridding itself of poisons. You can get some relief from these symptoms by taking baths using Epsom salts (1 to 2 cups) and baking soda (1 cup) in a tub of water and soaking for 20 minutes. Baths should be taken on a daily basis during detox and rotated, switching to a different type of bath each day. After detoxing, use whichever bath seems appropriate to meet your current needs.

Common salts used in detox baths include Epsom salts, sea salt, baking soda, Dead Sea salts and Bentonite Clay are highly alkaline and cleansing. Betonite clay should be used with care and only as directed as it may clog household plumbing. For a full bath, put 1 cup of Epsom Salts for every 60 pounds of body weight, or pour 3-4 cups in each time you soak to promote lymphatic drainage. Hydrogen peroxide can be added for oxygenation. One cup of baking soda, which acts as a mild antiseptic, opens pores, relieves itching and skin irritation and is good for skin conditions such as eczema; helps with metal toxicity and promotes acidic balance.
Seaweed Detox Bath--overall detox, nourishing benefits for skin, increase microcirculation, filled with minerals. Seaweed is believed to absorb toxins by up to 50 percent of its dry weight. Add a large piece of seaweed, kelp, or one tablespoon of dulse flakes to a pot of boiling water and let steep for 1/2 hour. Strain and add to bath water. Soak for 20 minutes

Epsom salts for detox-- magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) is absorbed through the skin in a bath, it helps to draw toxins from the body, reduce swelling and relax muscles. Epsom salts are named for the mineral rich waters of Epsom, England, where they were known at least as far back as Shakespeare's day.

Himalayan Salt Detox Bath Recipe--overall detox, relaxation, balance energy, infuse minerals into body (Himalayan salt contains 84 minerals and trace minerals that can be absorbed through your skin) and skin softening--2 1/2 pounds Himalayan Salt Add to bathtub water--soak for 20 minutes--do not shower off salt. Instead, just pat dry with a towel.
EPSOM SALTS AND GINGER--opens pores, eliminates toxins, helps to eliminate pain. Stir one cup of Epsom salts and 2 tablespoons of ginger in a cup of water first, then add to the bath-do not remain in the tub for more than 30 minutes

SALT AND SODA--counteracts the effects of radiation, whether from X-rays, cancer treatment radiation, fallout from the atmosphere, or television radiation-1 cup of baking soda and 1 to 2 cups of ordinary coarse salt (or Epsom salts or sea salt) to a tub of water-soak for 20 minutes

EPSOM SALTS, SEA SALT, AND SESAME OIL--helps with dry skin and stress. Take 1 cup of Epsom salt, 1 cup of sea salt and 1 cup of sesame oil and put into a warm to hot tub of water and soak for 20 minutes--at yourself dry.

VINEGAR BATH--used when the body is too acidic to restoring the acid-alkaline balance--1 cup to 2 quarts of 100% apple cider vinegar to a bathtub of warm water--soak 40 to 45 minutes—eliminates excess uric acid in the body and especially for the joints, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and gout.

Feet have been recognized as healing focal points as long ago Chinese healers began defining reflexology points in the foot. The acupressure points located on the feet are considered energy channels that connect to the rest of the body and major organs. As the hot water and ingredients in the footbath stimulate these organs, they release toxins and metals through these body channels to the feet and then out of the body. Foot detoxing benefits your internal organs, as well as the lymph, circulatory and respiratory systems. 

If your choice is the footbath follow the same procedure, first soak your feet in hot water and then rinse the in cool water. For footbaths; soak feet until water begins to feel tepid, then dry off the feet and put on socks. Check with your physician if you have high blood pressure, heart or kidney problems, are diabetic, are pregnant/breast feeding, have a pacemaker, or transplant before starting a detox bath to see if it is right for you.
An effective detox footbath recipe can be made in your kitchen. Mix together 1 cup of sea salt, 1 cup of Epsom salt, and 2 cups of baking soda. Mix together well and store this bath mixture in an airtight container. When you are ready for your detox bath use a square basin, designated only for soaking your feet, or fill bathtub until the water covers your ankles. Make the water as hot as you can comfortably stand it and while filling the basin add 1/4 cup of the detox mixture. Find a relaxing place to sit, and sit with your feet in the water for 30 minutes. The hot water and salts combination works to leach toxins from your system and draws the toxins to the reflexology channels and out of the feet. 

 Foot baths recipes:                                                                                                                  A. 1 TBSP of Mustard Powder and 1 TSP of Cayenne Powder (raises core body temp); B. 1/2 cup of Epsom and 1/2 cup of Sea salt for every 60 pounds of body weight; C. 1/2 cup of Epsom and 1 cup of Hydrogen Peroxide w/1 TBsp of Baking Soda; D. 2 Tbsp of Ginger (helps to open pores and aids in the detox);                                        E. 1-2 Tbsp of an essential oil (if you have dry skin); F. 2-3 cups of 100% apple cider vinegar if your body is too acidic.
After you remove your feet from your bath, brush them with a natural fiber brush to remove any toxins and dead skin, and then rinse with warm water. For softening use organic lotions and avoid lotions with additives as feet quickly absorb what is on them.

Tea Detox--combine one cup of Epsom salts with one unopened peppermint tea bag, and one unopened chamomile tea bag, placing all items in a basin of warm water. Soak your feet for thirty minutes.
Honey Foot Bath--use honey, liquid soap, vanilla extract and sweet almond oil. Mix together about 1 tablespoon each of the honey and liquid soap, combine with one teaspoon of the vanilla extract, and two tablespoons of the sweet almond oil, pour into foot bath with enough warm water to cover feet and soak for twenty minutes. Honey is antibacterial, antioxidant, and a wonderful, natural moisturizer.