Saturday, December 10, 2016

A Naturopathic Approach to Treating Epstein-Barr Virus

While attending the Reverse / Restore / Renew (R, R&R) training event, I had a live blood analysis that displayed characteristics of infectious mononucleosis (mono) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in my blood. What a surprise!  Phillip R. “Cloudpiler” Landis, ND (naturopathic doctor), explained the symptoms and implications of this virus. I knew that I had contracted “mono” in college 40 years ago but hadn’t given it a thought since then. EBV Syndrome symptoms are the same as and are often misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome. Current EBV research links the virus to several types of cancer and multiple sclerosis (MS).

After some thought I was able to see the pattern of life stresses that activated the re-occurrence of my mono symptoms. The EBV virus may have actually triggered my breast cancer--I had been told by my physician that I did not display the hormonal or genetic characteristics associated with breast cancer (that were known at that time).

Currently, there are no antivirals for EBV, and antibiotics do not work on viruses—I do not want to take poisonous pharmaceuticals anyway. My mind was in a bit of a panic. I now had even more reason to pay attention to Dr. Landis’ R, R&R training. He told me that he also had a recurrence of EBV and that he had developed a highly effective herbal tonic and protocol.

Mononucleosis (mono) is a common, acute, infectious disease, usually affecting young people, caused by Epstein-Barr virus and [is] characterized by fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, and lymphocyte abnormalities and is also called glandular fever. (American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2016) Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company)

Typically, people are infected with EBV at some point in their lives. Infection is nearly inescapable. In the US, 95% of all adults will be infected by age 40, and 50% of all children by age 5. It usually causes either no symptoms or a mild illness. During adolescence or early adulthood, the virus can lead to infectious mononucleosis, also known as mono or "the kissing disease." EBV belongs to the category of herpes viruses, which cause cold sores, genital herpes, chickenpox and shingles. Most people never feel sick and don't realize they have been infected. The belief is that once infected you harbor the virus forever. People with weakened immune systems are more likely to develop symptoms if EBV reactivates.

EBV infection symptoms:

    inflamed throat
    swollen lymph nodes in the neck
    enlarged spleen
    swollen liver

Phillip R. “Cloudpiler” Landis, DD, ND, NAP, PDC., is a Naturopathic Doctor and a leader in the restoration of the ancient Nemenhah religion. He began his journey into Natural Medicine with his own battle with chronic illness in his early years, culminating in terminal cancer as a young adult.  It is this battle for survival that led him to obtain a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine.  For the past twenty years, he has specialized in incurable disease. His experience with sufferers of cancer and AIDS has led him to developed the Nemenhah Reverse, Restore, Renew Program which is a true application of the Sahaptan Healing Way.

Landis’ Reverse / Restore / Renew Program stands for Reverse Disease, Restore Health and Renew the Spirit (R, R, & R).  This program is a practical, daily life implementation of the Nemenhah ITO, Five-fold Mission. The R, R, &R Program has a Five-Pronged Focus:

1.      Internal Terrain Management (methods of real pH Regulation).
2.      Modulation of the Immune System.
3.      Adaptogenic Control of Stress Hormones.
4.      Right Physical Conditioning.
5.      Nemenhah Guided Meditation.

Terrain management--Since most disease is the result of a body and body systems existing in a state of microbial imbalance or maladaptation on or inside the body. This means healthy tissues, blood and proper immune response all rely heavily on a balanced interstitial pH. Dr. Landis' research has documented that when blood pH is managed correctly, most common conditions associated with chronic disease simply resolve.

Dr. Landis’ program presents specific methods that can be used to boost the immune system's overall efficiency and to increase the actual immune cell count. These methods boost the immune system and proactively modulate the immune response (to modulate: is a natural adjustment the immune response to a desired level.) Landis has used these protocols for over twenty years to help individuals fight terminal illness.

The CDC and national medical boards around the world seem to agree that over 65 to 70 percent of chronic illness correlates with the onslaught of stress. Nature is filled with herbal medicines which are effective in combating the constant cortisol (stress hormone) cascade triggered by modern life. Dr. Landis’ program discusses these adaptogenic herbs and how to use them safely and effectively. Adaptogenic herbs are known for their ability increase the body's ability to resist the damaging effects of stress and promote or restore normal body functioning.

Exercise, physical conditioning and fitness play a crucial role in the maintenance of good health. Lymphatic activation, focused deep breathing, and the use of exercise to combat cortisol production all play a role in the restoration of health and the reversal of disease.

The ancient Nemenhah people used prayer, deep muscle relaxation, and trance-like meditation (without the use of psychoactive substances) to explore their own subconscious minds and come to an understanding of their True Self. These practices also help the individual to gain access to the limitless ancestral knowledge that fills all living things. As Nemenhah leader and mentor, Dr. Landis explains how these techniques, and physical/spiritual mechanics of guided meditation have been used for thousands of years to reverse disease.

The Sacred Sahaptan Healing Way is a unified system for bringing desperately ill people back from the brink and to restore them to meaningful, healthful lives. Dr. Landis believes it is “time to bring this healing way to the forefront of the Nemenhah Mission and [to] introduce true health freedom by giving the individual the ability to take control of one’s health, and reverse disease.”

The Reverse / Restore / Renew training event helped me understand that I can take control of my interstitial pH (intercellular fluid) to maintain good health. Research has demonstrated that acidic interstitial fluid creates an environment that causes cell mutation. When the internal terrain (intercellular fluid) pH returns to neutral many cell mutations reverse. Appropriate food choices are essential to maintaining a neutral blood pH environment.

I am currently following the herbal protocol Dr. Landis recommended to eliminate EBV from my body. I am managing my diet to maintain a neutral pH and have seen a real decrease in night time acid reflux. If you are interested in Dr. Landis’ Reverse / Restore / Renew Program, contact information can be found on the Nemenhah website.

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