Monday, July 25, 2016

Allergies: Home Remedies for Mucus

Summer allergies and mucus have been plaguing me this summer. I cannot stand the gagging feel of it in my throat. But I have learned, over time, that everything the body does has a real purpose and benefit. This article is my effort to gain an appreciation of mucus and to find home remedies too eliminate this obnoxious symptom. My appreciation of mucus is a goal—a work in progress. (I’ve been slimmed!)

Michael S. Ellis, MD, a specialist in otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat specialist) at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, LA says the topic of mucus and phlegm is a common discussion he has with patients.

According to the CDC the healthy body is a mucus-making machine creating about 1 to 1.5 liters every day. Usually mucus trickles down the throat and is not noticed. Mucus is a gelatin-like, sticky substance which the body uses to lubricate and to filter contaminates from the body. Usually these two substances (mucus and water) work together smoothly, and you probably don't even notice them.

Ellis says during an allergy attack or a cold if your nose is running like a faucet there is an excess of watery secretions. Typically, 90 percent of the patients are actually experiencing problems with thick mucus due to the common cold. Thick mucus, which leads to post-nasal drip and congestion, or gets crusty in the nose, tells us the individual is excessively dry. Increase your water intake if you suffer with thick mucus.

As you breathe, mucus protects the lungs by capturing dirt and dust. Mucus or phlegm it can be safely swallowed. The body reabsorbs most of the mucus, while dirt, dust, and debris are eliminated by the intestines. Stomach acids kill off bacteria and viruses.

Allergies, respiratory infections, colds and flu, smoking, and environmental pollutants can trigger changes in mucus consistency and color. These changes indicate what our health concerns are and indicate the treatment path to pursue.

Phlegm is produced by the lower airways and typically goes unnoticed unless it is coughed up as a symptom of bronchitis of pneumonia. Mucus or phlegm that has a color such as green or yellow may indicate infection and if you see blood in the phlegm seek medical attention. A persistent yellow or green color often accompanied by an unpleasant odor is likely a sign of infection.

However, the color does not always indicate a health problem. Mucus color is effected by the dust or pollens in your environment. Mucus may be brown, gray or even black from breathing in smog, smoke, or environmental pollutants, while plant pollens can turn mucus yellowish. The function of the nose and mucus is to protect the lungs.

Thick mucus, which post-nasal drip, is usually an indication of being over-dry. Factors that lead to thick, clogging mucus are:

1   Dry indoor environment from air conditioning and heating
2   Not drinking enough water and other fluids
3   Drinking beverages such as coffee, tea, and alcohol that lead to dehydration
4   Certain medications that are drying
5   Smoking

Easy home remedies for temporary relief from thick, crusty mucus includes using small facial steamer or humidifier, taking a hot steamy shower, or even breathing through a warm wet washcloth.

Dr. Ellis warns that a large quantity of thick mucus may not indicate an allergy. Allergies are actually demonstrated by a lot of watery secretions (watery eyes, runny nose) accompanied by allergy symptoms (sneezing, itchy eyes/ears, hives, inflammation/congestion, etc.). To mistakenly take antihistamines, when you don’t have an allergic reaction, will end up drying out the nose making the effect of thick mucus worse.

Follow proper hygiene after blowing your nose and carefully dispose of the facial tissue, wash your hands and avoid spitting out your mucus in public. Ellis recommends treatments:

    Post-nasal drip or thick mucus, take an expectorant (this thins mucus and phlegm), drink lots of fluids, breathe through a warm washcloth, and use steam to make the mucus more liquid.
    Congestion (blocked nose). This is mostly due to inflamed nasal membranes, so shrinking those membranes is the goal. Use an oral decongestant or decongestant nasal spray (for up to three days only), breathe through a warm wet washcloth, and use steam to ease congestion.
    Runny nose (with sneezing and/or itching). Take an antihistamine.

Excessive mucus production is the body’s way of clearing the body of illness and contaminants trying to enter the body.  The body’s production of phlegm, mucus and sputum is intended to keep nasal passages and lungs moist and infection resistant by trapping viruses/bacteria before they penetrate tissues.

Causes of white mucus

More than 200 viruses can cause the common cold. Symptoms include sore throats, watery eyes, sneezing and white mucus discharge. Mucus color changes as the cold runs its course. 

Sinusitis is caused by an infecting virus and is characterized by nasal congestion and white mucus discharge that may become yellow or green. Other symptoms are pressure in the face, fever, fatigue, and may include ear pain, or pain along the jaw and teeth. A child’s symptoms tend to be more severe and include vomiting, gagging and constant nasal discharge. 

Bronchitis is an inflammation in the airways caused by exposure to irritants or viral infections. Severe cold-like symptoms will be displayed. The excess white mucus may change to yellow or green, which is a sign that the inflammatory cells have moved into the airway, coloring the sputum there. Persistent symptoms, shortness of breath and wheezing that last more than 2 weeks should be reported to a doctor. 

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD, is a condition where stomach fluids backflow into the esophagus. This irritated throat creates white phlegm that is coughed up. GERD symptoms also include sore throat, feeling of lumps in the throat and chest pain. 

Asthma is a chronic condition where breathing has become difficult because of constricted airways. Asthma is an allergic reaction where the bronchial tubes are inflamed and swollen. Asthma symptoms also include coughing up white or pink mucus.

Milk does not directly cause white phlegm, but it does cause mucus to thicken making it harder to expel it from the body. If you have a sinus or throat infection, dairy allergy, or GERD avoid excessive consumption of milk and dairy products. 

Swallowing mucus, or phlegm, can cause bloating in your stomach. Most people prefer to cough it up and spit it out. Expel mucus into a trash can, sink or tissue and avoid spitting in the presence of others to limit their exposure to viruses, bacteria, and contaminants.

Home remedies

·      Keep hydrated by drinking herbal teas water and soups to help thin and break down mucus and shorten infection time.

·      Try having bell pepper in at least one meal a day since contain natural expectorants and help to thin out mucus.

·      A warm/hot salt water gargle brings mucus to the upper throat making it easier to coughing out while soothing the throat. Boil 3 cups of water and add 4 tbsp. of salt to it. Gargle 3-4 times a day. Or add ¼ spoon if myrrh to warm water, gargle for a few seconds and then swallow. Myrrh is a cleansing herb that helps to expel mucus and decrease infection.

·      Garlic has antibiotic and antifungal properties, and is also a natural expectorant. To help you to cough up mucus and phlegm crush 2-3 garlic cloves and eat them throughout the day until your infection ceases.

·      Licorice tea, a natural expectorant, helps to soothe the throat. Peppermint and honey added to licorice tea is soothing.

·      Ginger has properties that help to get rid of excess mucus and fight infection, while honey coats the throat and soothes inflammation. A mixture of fresh ginger and honey chewed slowly will rid the body of excess mucus, fights infection, coat the throat and sooth inflammation.

·      Lemon juice loosens mucus/phlegm, contains antibacterial property and is high in vitamin C content that improves the body’s resistance to infections. (Drink two teaspoons of lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey in a glass of hot water at least three times a day. Or sprinkle a little bit of salt and pepper on to cut a slice of lemon and then suck on it two or three times a day to force the phlegm out of the throat)

·      Turmeric has antiseptic properties, strengthen the immune system and helps reduce phlegm. One teaspoon of turmeric added to a glass of hot milk and drink it in the morning and before going to bed. Or add one-half teaspoon of turmeric into a glass of water and drink two or three times a day. Create a gargle by adding one tablespoon of turmeric and a pinch of salt to a glass of hot water. Use it to gargle several times a day.

·      Breathing in steam helps keep mucus/phlegm in a liquid.  Steam shower twice daily and stay in the closed bathroom for 10 minutes to help thin the mucus. Or pour hot boiling water in a large bowl, drape a towel over your head and inhale the steam for five to 10 minutes to loosen mucus in the lungs.

·      Drinking warm/hot chicken soup will help moisturize the airways, thin the phlegm/mucus, soothe an irritated throat and induce relaxation.Eat hot chicken soup two or three times a day to clear phlegm from your throat adding increased ginger and garlic increases the benefits. Homemade soup is often more effective and recommended.

See a doctor immediately if you are coughing up mucus that is bloody, brown or green. Mucus/phlegm/sputum colors reflect health concerns. Black mucus can be due to: smoking marijuana, cigarettes, cocaine or other substances, air pollution, coal workers (black lung disease), fungal (mold) lung infection, or old blood (bronchitis or emphysema, tuberculosis, cancer or other bronchial or pulmonary disorder.) Vomiting black liquid is a symptom of bleeding from the stomach and has to be checked by a doctor as soon as possible.
If you have red streaks, brown mesh or obviously red blood in mucus or sputum see a doctor immediately. Pink mucus contains eosinophils is a type of white blood cells appearing in bronchial wall in certain allergies. Frothy mucus originates from lungs in pneumonia or lung edema. Fluid washes some surfactant, which keeps lung vesicles dilated, from vesicular walls into the inflammatory fluid making it frothy. Frothy mucus may be also caused by GERD.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Benefits of Lemon: Eat your way to health

According to the Institute of Health Sciences, lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product that kills cancer cells. Research tells us lemon is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. Lemons have a pleasant (if sour) taste and are easy to incorporate into the daily diet. How wonderful to enhance your good heath through good eating while eliminating cancer cells! And best of all lemons do not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy.

Megan Ware RDN LD (October 2015) reports this information comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world. After more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the findings revealed lemon (citrus) destroys malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas. The compounds found in the lemon are 10,000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a typically chemotherapy drug, for slowing the growth of cancer cells. Lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells, which is a danger inherent to chemotherapy.

Lemon has an anti-microbial effect against bacterial infections and fungi, and is also effective against internal parasites and worms. It also helps regulate high blood pressure and has an anti-depressant effect combating stress and nervous disorders.

Lemons have long been used to maintain the health of sailors. They achieved a healthy claim to fame onboard ships and were used by early explorers to treat scurvy, a then-common disease among the sailors. Scurvy was caused by a vitamin C deficiency from months at sea without any fresh produce. James Lind in 1747 found that lemons and oranges were extremely effective the treatment of scurvy.

The USDA National nutrient database reports one raw lemon, without peel (about 58 grams) provides 17 calories, 0.6 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, 5.4 grams of carbohydrate and yields 51% of daily vitamin C. They provide small amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and manganese.

The health benefits of lemons for lifestyle-related health conditions include: Lowering stroke risk, Combating cancer, Maintaining a healthy complexion, Preventing asthma, Increasing iron absorption, and Boosting the immune system.

For those with gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) lemons may create an increase in symptoms such as heartburn and regurgitation, however individual reactions vary.

The lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes. Because of their intense sour flavor lemons and limes are seldom eaten as a stand-alone fruit but are popular when used in smaller quantities or in combination with herbs and spices.  Lemons have a wonderful, tangy flavor and add zest to sauces, salad dressings, marinades, drinks and desserts.

Lemon water quenches thirst better than any carbonated drinks and provides us with plenty of vitamins, minerals and vital trace elements. Drinking lemon water, the first thing in the morning quickly rehydrates the tissues and helps push out toxins out of the system.

Benefits to starting the day with a lemon water include:
1. Replacing the body’s hydrating electrolytes.
2. Joint healing by helping reduce both joint and muscle pain.
3. Improved digestion by stimulating the secretion of gastric juice.
4. Improved liver function by increased enzyme production.
5. Liver cleansing by aiding release of toxins.
6. Fight respiratory infections and reduce inflammation.
7. Regulate bowel movement.
8. Aid your metabolism as a powerful antioxidant and also strengthens the immune system.
9. Reduce depression and anxiety symptoms by increasing potassium in your blood.
10. Cleanse blood and arteries.
11. Regulate blood pressure.
12. Alkalizes the body to keep a higher pH level, helping your body fight off diseases.
13. Revitalize your skin
14. Reduce gout pain by reducing the buildup of uric acid.
15. Protect your body through pregnancy helps the bone tissue formation of your unborn baby.
16. Relieve heartburn, Mixing a teaspoon of lemon juice per half glass of water
17. Kidney stone gallstones, pancreatic stones and breaks calcium deposits
18. Lose weight, Lemons pectin fiber aids in the suppression of hunger cravings.
19. Oral health, helps relieve tooth pain and fight gingivitis.
20. Prevent cancer, which cannot thrive in an alkaline environment
         (from Sep 23, 2015,

American Urological Association studies demonstrate that lemonade or lemon juice can eliminate the occurrence of kidney stones by forming urinary citrate, which prevents the formation of crystals. The Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases reports lemon provides protection against inflammatory polyarthritis and arthritis.

Lemon has a wide variety of uses in the home.  Lemon is an excellent washing agent, because of its ability to remove stains. It repels mosquitoes, and drinking lemon juice with olive oil helps to get rid of gall stones. To improve indigestion and constipation add a few drops of lemon on your food (take care, it does not go well with milk), and it will aid in digestion.

To defeat the effects of dehydration, create your own electrolyte enhancing water, which is also effective for indigestion. The recipe: lemon juice, cold water, soda, salts (common salt or rock salt) and sugar/honey for sweetness, add some mint leaves or crushed fennel seeds for added flavor.

Lemon juice can treat a cold, flu or fever by breaking the fever and increasing perspiration. For dental care, fresh lemon juice is applied on the area of a toothache to get rid of the pain. Massage lemon juice on the gums to stop gum bleeding and eliminate odors that can come from various gum diseases and conditions. A drop of lemon can be added to your normal toothpaste. Or rub your teeth with the lemon pulp after removing the juice. Lemons are highly acidic, if your mouth starts burning, rinse your gums and mouth quickly with water.

The juice applied to the scalp can treats dandruff, hair loss and other problems related to the hair and scalp. The juice applied directly on the hair gives your hair a natural shine. A natural antiseptic medicine lemon can cure problems related to the skin, helps reduce the pain of sun burn, and helps to ease bee sting pain as well. Lemon juice is good for acne, eczema, has as anti-aging properties, and can remove wrinkles and blackheads. Drinking lemon juice mixed with water and honey brings a healthy glow to the skin. Lemon juice can help fade the scars, and reduces the burning sensation due to sunburn and minor burns.

Lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey may help reduce body weight. Lemon water may soothe an asthma attack. Cholera and malaria can be treated with lemon juice, because it acts as a blood purifier. Lemon is an aromatic and antiseptic agent and is useful relaxation and muscle strain. Lemon has diuretic properties and can treat rheumatism and arthritis. It helps to flush out bacteria and toxins from the body.

Lemon juice can dissolve hardened up lumps on the skin, scars, calluses and corns, the soles of feet and the palms of your hands. Lemon’s antibacterial properties fight throat infections. Drinking lemon juice is helps heart problems, because it contains potassium and helps control high blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea. Lemon water is calming to the mind and body and reduces feelings of mental stress and depression.

Lemons should be picked at their peak ripeness because they do not ripen or improve in quality after being picked. Lemons should be stored at room temperature away from direct sunlight.
Adding lemon to your diet is easy and can be a gastronomical joy. Here are a few suggestions:

Lemons are often paired with fish, shrimp, scallops, chicken and in many Mediterranean dishes.
Lemons pair well with savory as well as sweet dishes.
Lemon raspberry zucchini bars
Whole grain angel hair pasta with artichokes and lemon
Mango citrus banana smoothie
Spinach-pesto salad with faro
Lemon raspberry almond muffins
Lean green machine juice