Thursday, June 4, 2015

Nemenhah: the Sacred Sahaptan Healing Way

I have been searching for my community of healers and I found it in the Nemenhah/ITO religion! And I am now a Medicine Woman in the Nemenhah/ITO (Indigenous Traditional Organization).

Nemenhah is a haven of support for alternative healing practitioners. All religions are seen as sacred and the individual brings their current religious beliefs to Nemenhah as a foundation. The Nemenhah religion is focused on the practice of healing ministry and the right to the healing way of life. It offers legal protection in the USA under the right to freedom of religion.

The Nemenhah religion is a restoration of an ancient Native American teaching in which healing is a spiritual pillar of the church. Sadly, there are groups of people that find this restoration threatening to existing religious, cultural, medical and legal power structures.

I studied with Phillip R. "Cloudpiler" Landis who is leading this restoration. He is the President and Presiding High Priest (Tehk Tiwehkthihmpt) of the Native American Church of Nemenhah (NACNEM). The Nemenhah were an ancient, indigenous people. There are no current Native American Tribes called Nemenhah.

According to Chief Cloudpiler, the Nemenhah people were an ancient, indigenous people who lived in parts of Central America, North America, the Pacific Islands, Japan, Korea, China and Tibet. These peoples left evidence and writings of their ancient sacred ways so the Nemenhah might be restored in the future.

The writings are called the Mentinah Archives and are the sacred histories of the people known anciently as the "Nemenhah" (people of the truth). The stories trace their history and journey into the land now known as the "four corners" area of the USA.

According to, the histories were allegedly written upon plates of various metals, processed animal hides and paper velum.  Allegedly, the records were archived in several locations in North and Central America anciently. The only surviving copies of the Nemenhah histories are strictly guarded in libraries at a non-disclosed location in Sanpete County, Utah. 

I joined the Nemenhah/ITO through the ancient covenant of Spiritual Adoption. This Ceremony of "Making of Relations," is the process for taking initial orders and is the essence of Nemenhah Ministry. I choose to participate in an intensive weeklong study culminating in status of Nemenhah Medicine Woman and minister of the church.

The Five-Fold Mission of the Nemenhah is the healing of individuals, healing of families, healing of communities, healing of society, and the healing of the planet through the use of natural healing methods, natural materials, and the guidance of spirit (Wayaykihn). This is the Sacred Sahaptan Healing Way; so all people may become healers through Wayaykihn.

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