Sunday, April 12, 2015

Walk Yourself to Health

Many of us are rediscovering the pleasures and health benefits of walking and hiking. Why is walking so wonderful? Walking is free, suitable for people of all ages and most abilities. Walking is gentle, low-impact and a great way to free your mind from the stress of the day. Walking can be emotionally therapeutic and spiritual. For example, Buddhists perform walking meditation.

For me walking has always been a favorite activity and joy. My daily after work walk was a time to release work stress and revitalize mind and body. To soak in sunshine and breathe in oxygen. When I became zen with the weather and environment, then I knew I was healed from the day’s frustrations. (It is sad to think of those denied the joy and freedom of a personal, long walk outdoors.)

Recent research reveals less than half of U.S. adults get the recommended amount of physical activity. The Mayo clinic recommends adults need at least 150 minutes a week of aerobic physical activity. Walking should be at a moderate level, such as a fast-paced walk, for no less than 10 minutes at a time for best results.

A recent study at the University of Illinois suggests regular walking might even make you smarter by improving the connectivity of important brain circuits. The American Heart Association suggests walking briskly for at least 30 minutes five days a week to improve cardiovascular health

Ten benefits of walking

1.  Keeps weight in check---to lose weight, you need to burn about 600 calories a day more than you’re eating. An individual burns about 75 calories simply by strolling at 2mph pace for 30 minutes. If one increases to 3mph and you’ll burn 99 calories, speed it up to a fast walk (4mph) and that’s 150 calories.

2. Lowers disease risk and can slash risk of developing type 2 diabetes, asthma and some cancers. The British Medical Journal reports taking more steps every day can help ward off diabetes. Active walkers have about a 20 per cent lower risk of developing chronic disease such as cancer.

3. Strengthens your heart, reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, lowers levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, and keeps blood pressure in check. Brisk walking for 30 minutes helps prevent and control the high blood pressure reducing stroke risk by up to 27 per cent according to the Stroke Association.

4. Helps prevent dementia, according to Age UK, “older people who walk six miles or more per week could avoid brain shrinkage” preserving memory as we age. Being active has a protective effect on brain function and may reduce dementia risk by up to 40 per cent.

5. Helps with osteoporosis---it counts as a weight-bearing activity and stimulating and strengthening bone density and strength, as well as, maintaining healthy joints.

6. Tones legs, bum, and core muscles--if you really focus on posture as you walk, it can tone your abdominal muscles and tone your waist.
7. Tones arms---the speed of walking comes from your arms, hold your arms at a comfortable level, bent at the elbow, and swing them backwards and forwards as you walk. When you swing them faster you automatically speed up, toning arms, shoulders and upper back.

8. If you’re walking outside in daylight, this boosts the body’s vitamin D stores, which plays an important role in bone health and immunity.

9. Increases energy by increasing blood circulation and oxygen supply to every cell in the body. This eases stiff joints and eases muscle tension. A lunchtime walk is a quick way to boost energy levels.

10. Exercise boosts mood by releasing feel-good endorphins into the bloodstream. Studies show regular; moderate-intensity exercise (brisk walking) is as effective as antidepressants for mild to moderate depression.

The Mayo Clinic recommends walking as a great way to get and stay fit, but asks are you doing enough to see results? Activity-tracking devices and apps (computer applications) and using a pedometer can help you set and reach fitness goals by increasing motivation. Some “walking apps” can connect you to online walking communities for support and a sense of competition.

Activity trackers, or activity monitors, are pedometers and more. They count steps, calculate calories burned, and many measure sleep quality, compute calorie intake, and serve as alarm clocks or watches. Activity trackers display your progress in real time and can interface with the smart phone, tablet or computer keeping updated on your progress toward fitness goals.

Integrate activity trackers into your routine:

  • Establish a baseline that is a launching point for the step goals you set.
  • Set short-term step goals of adding on another 500 to 1,000 steps a day for a week by incorporating a planned walking program into your schedule.
  • You can do it all at once, or break your walking into 10-minute chunks of time to accommodate your schedule.
  • When short-term goal is met, add a new one.
  • Set long-term step goals such as walking 10,000 steps a day, or about 5 miles (8 kilometers), several times a week, or add a goal of walking faster as your fitness level improves.
  • Track your progress on a weekly or monthly basis. Tracking your progress allows you to see whether you're meeting your goals and when it may be time to set fresh goals.

It's easy to start walking to a healthier you! All you need is a good pair of shoes, comfortable clothing, and a positive outlook. 
 Just walk out the door---start out slow and easy. Walk for 10 minutes, and walk back. You can absorb the sunshine and breathe deeply. If possible walk where there are few automobiles to avoid stress, noise and pollution. If you have health concerns or medical conditions check discuss your plan with your doctor before you begin a routine. 

For fun and fitness join a walking club. The easiest way to get started and to stay on track is to seek out an existing group close to home in the neighborhood, such as a YMCA, community center, or a lunchtime group at your work place. The leader should encourage post-walk stretches and set a healthy pace. Workplace walking groups not only promote mental and physical fitness but also increase morale.

Facebook is a great place to start a group, find members, post comments and pictures, share walking sites, and list times. You need to find people who are already walking or who are as excited as you are. To maintain motivation, partners need to be well matched---try to match the age range or skill level so no one feels out of place. 

Be sure to let prospective members know how often, how far and how fast you intend to walk. Walking too fast for your ability wears away the fun quickly and creates a risk humiliation, or injury. While walking with a group that is too slow is frustrating and can prevent you from reaching your fitness goals.

Walking and biking vacations have always been popular. Expanding beyond the US National Park system, many states and cities are establishing designated walking/biking trails that are designed for the needs of all fitness levels from the disabled to the casual walker to the practiced hiker.

In 2013, Missouri was named the "Best Trails State" by American Trails, a national, nonprofit organization. This national award is presented every two years to the state, which had made tremendous improvement in their trails system.

Missouri State Parks contains almost 1,000 miles of managed trails and more than 500 miles of National Recreation Trails. Missouri known as "Gateway to the West" has significant trails which include the Lewis and Clark, Trail of Tears, Santa Fe National Historic Trails passing through the state. The Pony Express, California, and Oregon National Historic Trails begin on the western border.  The Katy Trail, which follows the path of the now defunct Katy railroad line, is the longest developed rail-trail in the nation.

Missouri is my state and I invite you to visit and walk our trails.

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