Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Salt: Great for Detox Baths, part 1

Salt is the corner stone of the body’s internal cleansing process.
According to Wikipedia, different kinds of salts, their uses, and methods of extraction were studied in China around 2700 years BCE. Hippocrates encouraged his fellow healers to use salt water for the treatment of various ailments by immersing patients in seawater. Ancient Greeks continued this practice. In1753 Charles Russell, English author and physician, published the book “The Uses of Sea Water”. During the19th century, Father Sebastian Kneipp, Bavarian priest and holistic healer formalized the idea of “hydrotherapy” therapeutic water soaking.

The body’s capacity for detoxification of environmental pollutants is not endless. Daily our exposure to toxic substances is on the rise as new materials and substance are created in and synthesized in chemical laboratories. These chemicals end up in our air, water and food.

On average U.S. citizens have residues from over 400 toxic compounds in their body according to the EPA. The U.S. water supply contains 2,100 chemicals, including pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, and medications such as hormones, antidepressants and recreational drugs. Approximately, 80,000 metric tons of carcinogens are released into the air annually. Genetically modified ingredients are found in over 80% of our foods. 82,000 man-made chemicals are in use daily but only a fourth have been tested for toxicity.

The liver is the main cleansing organ of the body. It removes toxins and metabolic waste by converting them into water-soluble compounds. These water-soluble compounds are eliminated from the body through urine. Nonwater-soluble compounds are transformed by the liver and excreted into the bile, which is transported to the intestines and excreted. Toxins that are not eliminated or completely removed by either process are eliminated via our sweat through the skin. This demonstrates why salt water soaking is so beneficial for a healthy body. The skin is seen as the third kidney since toxins are excreted through sweating.

Benefits of Saltwater Soaking

·      Ease stress and improves sleep and concentration
·      Help muscles and nerves function properly
·      Regulate activity of 325+ enzymes
·      Help prevent artery hardening and blood clots
·      Make insulin more effective
·      Reduce inflammation to relieve pain and muscle cramps
·      Improve oxygen use
·      Flush toxins
·      Improve absorption of nutrients
·      Help form joint proteins, brain tissue and mucin proteins
·      Help prevent or ease migraine headaches

Hydrotherapy, soaking, for body detoxification is an ancient remedy that anyone can perform in the comfort of home. A cleansing soak assists your body with the elimination of toxins as well as with absorbing minerals and nutrients from the water. According to Naturopath Dr. Hazel Parcells hot water draws toxins to the skin’s surface, and as the water cools it pulls toxins from the skin.

Salts are highly alkaline and cleansing. Typical salts used in hydo-therapy baths include sea salt, baking soda, clay, and Dead Sea salts. Epsom salts, magnesium based salt, supports the detoxification by causing you to sweat. Sea salt baths are often recommended for treating a wide range of medical conditions.

Sea salts, the relaxing effects of hot water, and essential oils are a synergistic combination. These Aromatic baths provide relief from stress and anxiety, assist with muscle and joint pains, and treat the symptoms of more severe skin conditions.

Salt Varieties include:

Himalayan salt, or Jurassic sea salt, was formed 150 million years ago during the formation of the great mountain ranges of today. These ancient sea salt deposits were preserved and protected from pollutants by layers of volcanic eruptions. These salts typically contain 84 valuable trace minerals that create a beautiful, natural pink coloring.

Atlantic Sea Salts are collected from deep, clean ocean waters. The seawater is channeled into large clay trays and where the water is allowed to evaporate it naturally in the sun and wind. This white bath salt is naturally absorbent and perfect for adding coloring or scent.

Dead Sea Salt differs greatly from other sea salts in mineral content, being made up of only 8% sodium chloride with a high percentage of magnesium, sulfates and potassium. It is rumored that Cleopatra had a spa constructed on the shores of the Dead Sea. Dead Sea salts re known to aid in the treatment of common dry skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, as well as, to reduce pain and inflammation from arthritis and rheumatism.

Dendritic Salt is a highly purified sodium chloride that is crystallized commercially manufactured. Dendritic salt is highly absorptive and holds essential oils more intensely and for longer time. It requires less pigment, and reduces clumping, and is used as a preservative for bath salt blends.

Epsom salt is a pure mineral compound of magnesium sulfate in crystal form, which looks like salt. Although it isn’t salt, sodium chloride, Epsom salt benefits those who are magnesium deficient. Magnesium deficiency contributes to heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis and joint pain, digestive problems, and chronic fatigue. Epsom salt is most easily taken into the body through the skin.

Mediterranean Sea salt is a perfect salt for adding straight to the tub, as a raw ingredient blended with essential oils for scrubs and body treatments.

Grey Breton salt is unwashed, unrefined, and additive-free. Grey salt is traditionally hand-harvested in Guérande, France in the Brittany region. The salt’s natural trace minerals absorbed from its sea origins create the distinctive gray color. Because it is unwashed, unrefined, and additive-free, it maintains the health-enhancing nutrients calcium, potassium, copper, zinc, iron and others.

Hawaiian Red salt, also known as Alaea sea salt, is a natural, unprocessed salt. The distinctive red color comes from purified volcanic, red Hawaiian clay, which is high in iron oxide. The therapeutic benefits of Hawaiian Red salt baths include healing wounds, body aches, and muscle sprains.

Indian Black salt is a pinkish gray, sulfur salt, which is harvested in the Pakistan and India volcanic regions. This bath salt is beneficial for a wide variety of conditions including skin infections, inflammations, and respiratory problems. This unrefined sulfur salt is a natural disinfectant, which has a strong purifying and re-mineralizing effect on the body. Black salt is a central ingredient in classical Ayurvedic healing therapies. Sulfur salt has strong, distinct smell like that of sulfuric spring water.

With a basic understanding of the various salt varieties, you can create spa baths personalized to your health needs. When buying salt for therapeutic soaking, it is more economical to buy bulk quantities from an Internet. I recommend buying food grade salt from a reputable dealer as the purity is guaranteed. You can then use the salt for cooking experimenting with flavors, as well as soaking getting, and the full benefit of the mineral content. 

Warning: do not eat commercial bath salts or homemade bath salts to which essential oils or chemical colorants are added.

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