Sunday, July 13, 2014

Chlorophyll: Excellent Internal Detox

A well-known spiritual teacher suggested we drink chlorophyll water as a cleansing tonic. Chlorophyll counteracts the toxins in our food, environment, and our toxic lifestyles. I tried drinking water with chlorophyll added. I found I immediately felt energized. Over the following days I felt less ache-y, energized and my stomach was “happy.” In professional words: less body inflammation, improved metabolism, and improved alkaline/acid balance.

Over-acidity is a widespread problem in the USA. The reasons for this include stress, excessive sugar intake (including alcoholic beverages), and bad food combinations. The overly acidic body is the breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, illness and disease.

Chlorophyll ingestion keeps the circulatory and digestive systems much healthier. Chlorophyll is included in many of the natural nutritional supplements because of its benefits to the body. The body’s ability to alkalize is a powerful process for turning off carcinogenic incubations.

Toxins come from our diet, drug use and medications, environmental exposure, and dietary fats, especially oxidized fats and cholesterol. Detoxification is the process of clearing out, neutralizing or transforming toxins. Excess mucus and congestion are symptoms of body toxicity.

Symptoms of Body toxicity:
  • Poor digestion
  • Sluggish colon
  • Reduced liver function
  • Poor kidney function
  • Impaired respiratory system
  • Skin Conditions

Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in plants, which gives them the ability to absorb light and produce energy. Green plants/foods change carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide converting them into oxygen. Chlorophyll is chemically identical to human blood except the center element in chlorophyll is magnesium. While the center element in blood is iron.
According to some researchers, chlorophyll literally becomes human blood because chlorophyll has the ability to release magnesium and absorb iron as the central element. Thus it becomes hemoglobin and this increases the body’s ability to disburse oxygen.
Dr. Arthur Patek (1936) reported research results from a study done with anemia patients. They took different amounts of green foods along with iron. The blood hemoglobin demonstrated that red blood cells increased faster with the intake of green foods than when taking iron alone. This finding confirms chlorophyll has a chemical structure similar to red blood cells.

Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants and algae their green color. Chlorophyll is a chemical protein, which gives plants a green pigmentation. It is obtained from green leafy vegetables like broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, and algae.

Benefits of Chlorophyll, from an article by Candy del Carmen

1. Aids gastrointestinal problems, improving the digestion and assimilation, aids in loosening and cleansing the colon.
2. Promotes formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells, which is responsible for boosting our energy.
3. Treats bad odor from internal bacteria (sulfur compounds at the root of breath odor problems), and reduces the stringent smell of urine, infected wounds and feces.
4. Detoxifies toxins that cause cancer,
5. Beneficial for the body’s assimilation of calcium and other heavy minerals into the bloodstream fast with the least amount of digestion saving vital energy
6. Helps dissolves eye cataracts, which is same as an arthritic formation, the hard calcium has come out of solution and and settles on the lens of the eye.
7. Fights infections. Antioxidant properties, and anti-inflammatory compounds, contains Vitamin A, C and E, and antiseptic properties of chlorophyll have the ability to kill germs by strengthening the tissues.

Current Research
In scientific research, Chlorophyll demonstrates therapeutic effectiveness for these conditions:
  • Detoxifying the liver
  • Anti-inflammatory for pancreatitis
  • Antioxidant and chemical protective properties against toxins
  • Herpes Simplex
  • Benign breast disease
  • Tuberculosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Obesity

Early evidence suggests that chlorophyll may aid in the reduction of side effects laser therapy used in management of cancer tumors. The benefits of chlorophyll in benign Fibrocystic breast disease are attributed the alteration of liver enzyme pathways involved in estrogen metabolism. Chlorophyll may treat herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Pancreatitis (chronic): Chlorophyll-a may reduce the mortality rate of experimental pancreatitis. Active destructive Pneumonia: Chlorophyll may help to regulate the immune-modifying effects in patients with active destructive pneumonia. Some research indicates symptoms of Yusho poisoning, caused by ingestion of contaminated rice oil, are counteracted. Protection from aflatoxines (which promote tumors): Chlorophyll may improve the detoxification cancer promoting toxins. Reduction of odor from incontinence/bladder cathertization: Based on historical use, chlorophyll has been suggested to improve bodily odor in colostomy patients. Rheumatoid arthritis: Diets high in chlorophyll have been hypothesized to modify intestinal flora resulting in improved management of immune disorders including rheumatoid arthritis. Tuberculosis: Preliminary evidence suggests that immune parameters and free radical indices are improved when chlorophyll is taken take during chemotherapy.
Supplement your diet with liquid concentrate chlorophyll.  Add multiple drops to water, another healthy, natural juice, or tea drinks---or swallow straight. BE SURE TO SHAKE CONCENTRATE WELL BEFORE ADDING TO WATER. Chlorophyll provides a long-lasting boost of energy, by increasing the overall oxygenation of cells---a much healthier alternative to “caffeine shot” drinks.  It contains magnesium and copper, which are minerals that the missing in the majority of Americans’ diets. Generally, supplement with a small amount of chlorophyll daily for optimal benefit. Generally tasteless when mixed with juices, chlorophyll drops will make your mouth turn green when placed directly on the tongue. The concentrated form has no additives and is natural and effective. Typically, you will feel energized almost immediately or within a few hours.
Cooking to Maintain Chlorophyll
We tend not to think of it, but cooking as chemistry--but it is. Applying heat to foods can create a chemical change. Cooking green vegetables causes the magnesium atom at the center of the chlorophyll to be replaced by a hydrogen atom causing some vegetables to turn an olive-gray color. After 20 minutes of boiling two thirds of the chlorophyll in broccoli is removed. To preserve the concentrations of chlorophyll, green vegetables should be steamed for short steaming times. Eating raw greens is t he easiest way to obtain health benefits from chlorophyll.

CAUTIONS: Chlorophyll is considered safe and without many side effects or toxicities. If there are adverse effects, they are: nausea, diarrhea, green stools, and abdominal cramping, green discoloration of the urine, photosensitivity in some people. Those with liver function problems may have yellowing of the skin. Patients taking immune suppressing drugs should be cautious as chlorophyll enhances the immune system. Individuals taking diabetes drugs may need dosages lessened.

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