Sunday, April 21, 2013

Natural Insect Repellent: Make your own

Summer is on the way! Sunshine, bright blue skies, little puffy clouds, green grass, birds chirping-----all these things make up the wonderfulness of summer. Unfortunately, summer also brings pesky pest-insects to fly around your head, buzz in your ear, and sting your feet. In the United States and Canada, about 92,000 species of insects have been named.

As part of my commitment to sustainability I try to respect the natural order of environmental cooperation. (This means I cannot arbitrarily spray my yard with DEET containing insecticide)  There are natural pest-insect predators, which include birds, bats, spiders, insects, and bugs that eat and keep the pest population in check. If you are interested in attracting beneficial natural predators to control insect pests check out the ferncreekdesign website listed below. Now that our bee populations are endangered (which is a huge topic for another day) we need to be careful with manufactured, chemical insecticides. We should all take steps to be environmentally aware.

This year I have a new sustainable plan (sustainability means survivability). I am adding into my wellness lifestyle homemade organic and natural insect repellents. I am not alone in thinking that the natural path is the healthy path. There is a great deal of information on natural insect repellents and many recipes on the Internet. Many do-it-yourself websites have easy, inexpensive pest repellent alternatives.


The most basic step to avoid mosquitoes is to know what draws them.  This is a list of things to avoid, or that can be used as bait to lure mosquitoes away from you.
                Carbon Dioxide--You give off more carbon dioxide when you are hot or have been exercising--a burning candle or other fire is another source of carbon dioxide. 

                Lactic Acid---You release more lactic acid when you have been exercising or after eating certain foods (e.g., salty foods, high-potassium foods). 

                Floral or Fruity Fragrances---In addition to perfumes, hair products, and scented sunscreens, watch for the subtle floral fragrance from fabric softeners and dryer sheets. 

                Skin Temperature---The exact temperature depends on the type of mosquito. Many mosquitoes are attracted to the slightly cooler temperatures of the extremities. 

                Moisture---Mosquitoes are attracted by perspiration because of the chemicals it contains and also because it increases the humidity around your body. Even small amounts of water (e.g., moist plants or mud puddles) will draw mosquitoes.
                Standing water also allows mosquitoes to reproduce.

There are a few different formulations you can make for your natural insect repellent. These repellents involve diluting essential oils that the insects find distasteful or which confuses them. The oils don't mix with water, so you'll need to add them to other oils or to alcohol. The repellent’s effectiveness is enhanced when a few different insect-repelling natural oils are combined, as different chemicals repel different insects. Mix the essential oil with the carrier oil or alcohol. You may rub or spray the natural insect repellent onto skin or clothing be sure to avoid the sensitive eye area. Be sure to re-apply the natural product after about an hour or after swimming or exercise. Store unused natural insect repellent in a dark bottle, away from heat or sunlight. To change the consistency of the repellent combine the oil with aloe vera gel.

Essential Oils (An oil derived from a natural herbal substance)                                             

To make large amounts of insect repellent, a good rule of thumb is to mix the repellent so it's 5-10% essential oil, so mix 1 part essential oil with 10-20 parts carrier oil or alcohol. For a smaller batch use 10-25 drops (total) of essential oils and 2 tablespoons of a carrier oil or alcohol.
Essential oils that work well against biting insects (mosquitoes, flies, ticks, fleas) are:
·      Cinnamon oil (mosquitoes)
·      Lemon eucalyptus or regular eucalyptus oil (mosquitoes, ticks, and lice)
·      Citronella oil (mosquitoes and biting flies)
·      Castor oil (mosquitoes)
·      Orange oil (fleas)
·      Rose geranium (ticks and lice)
·      Most mints
·      Cedar wood
·      Patchouli

Other recommended essential oils include: Rosemary Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Cedar Oil, Peppermint Oil, Clove Oil and Geranium Oil.

Safe carrier oils, vinegars, and alcohols include:

·      Olive oil
·      Sunflower oil
·      Almond oil
·      Jojoba oil
·      Grape seed oil
·      Any other cooking oil
·      Apple cider vinegar
·      Witch hazel
·      Vodka
·      Gin

IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS: It's important to use an oil or alcohol that is safe for your skin. The essential oils are potent and could cause skin irritation or another reaction if you use too much. Patch testing is recommended---try a small amount of the repellent on the inside of the arm for twenty minutes to check for sensitivities or allergies. Avoid getting repellents to close to the eyes. Keep repellents out of the eyes. If you are pregnant or nursing, do not apply an insect repellent, natural or otherwise, until after you've gotten it cleared by your physician.

Homemade Insect Repellent Recipe  

 Vinegar of the Four Thieves
--Combine in a large glass jar 8½ cups of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of chopped garlic   
--Add to this ½ ounce each of the following herbs: rosemary, rue, sage, wormwood, and peppermint         
-- Add 2 ounces of dried lavender flowers; ½ ounce of camphor; and ½ ounce each of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and Calamus aromaticus. (Calamus aromaticus also known as sweet sedge or sweet flag—the root is used)    
--Seal and allow to steep in a sunny windowsill for about 2 weeks and shake well daily

--After the 2 weeks, strain the mixture
--Add several cloves of crushed garlic to the vinegar, seal, and allow to soak for 3 days 
--Strain, seal, and store the vinegar in a cool place

Mosquito Repellent for People
The fractionated coconut oil base is light. This formula can be put in a spray bottle and stays on better than water-based formulas.                       
  • 60 drops catnip essential oil (this is a 5% dilution)
·      20 drops lemon eucalyptus essential oil
·      10 drops lavender essential oil
·      2 oz. fractionated coconut oil
Be sure to keep the total percentage of essential oils under 15% for safety.

Insect Repellent Butter-bars  (from
                1 cup coconut oil
                1/2 cup  shea buttercocoa butter or mango butter (or a mix of all three equal to 1 part)
                1/2 cup beeswax + 2 tablespoons
                1/4 cup fresh or dried rosemary leaves
                1 teaspoon dried whole cloves
                2 tablespoons dried or fresh thyme
                1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
                1/4 cup dried catnip leaf
                1 (or more) tablespoons of mint leaf (optional but adds great scent)
                Optional: 1 teaspoon olive oil to preserve.

Essential Oils (optional but good): Bug off blend (contains all of the above), lavender and lemon (10+ drops of each). Herbs can be infused into the coconut oil rather than using expensive essential oils.

Using a double boiler or glass bowl on top of a small saucepan, heat about 1 inch of water (in bottom pan) until starting to boil. Place the dried rosemary, cloves, thyme, cinnamon, catnip and mint in the top part of the double boiler and add the coconut oil (can also use almond, olive or other oil but you will need to add more beeswax later on to get the bars to firm. Cover the bowl or top part of the double boiler and keep the water at medium/high temperature for at least 30 minutes or until oil has adopted a darker color and smells strongly of rosemary. Alternately, you can fill a crock pot about half full with water, put the coconut oil and herbs in a glass mason jar with a tight lid, cover and keep on lowest setting for several days to make an even stronger infused oil. Then, strain the dried herbs out of the oil using a small mesh strainer or cheesecloth and pour the oil back into the double boiler. The oil will probably be reduced by almost half and you should have about 1/2 cup of the infused oil. If you have more, save it for next time! Add the butter(s) and beeswax to the double boiler and stir until all have melted. Remove from heat, add the Vitamin E oil and any other essential oils and pour into molds. Leave in the molds until completely set (overnight is best) or you can speed up the process by placing in the fridge.

Organic Insect Repellent
5ml Neem Oil
2ml washing up liquid, or soap (organic)
1L Water
1x Spray bottle (clean)

1: Add 5ml of Neem Oil to the 1L of Water (or 5% Neem if you want to make a different quantity).
2: Add 2ml emulsifying agent, like washing up liquid or soap.
3: Pour into a clean spray bottle, shake and apply directly to exposed skin.

Useful Information
A smoke smudge created by dropping handfuls of lightly dampened dried pine needles on smoldering coals will drive mosquitoes away. A strongly tea brewed of equal parts chamomile and elder leaves can be used as a wipe to repel mosquitoes for about 20 minutes. Lemongrass pulpy goo, which is extracted from the stem, is an effective mosquito repellent. The Annals of Internal Medicine (June 1998) report citronella, eucalyptus, lavender, pine, cedar, verbena, geranium, peppermint, cinnamon, thyme, basil, garlic, and allspice essential oils repel mosquitoes for up to two hours. Essential oils need to be diluted with host oil, such as almond, jojoba, or olive at a 1 to 16 ratio (1 part essential oil to 16 parts host oil). Spot test essential oils on your wrist and wait one hour to check for sensitivity. If you’re pregnant, consult your doctor first.

Homemade First Aide
To soothe the swelling, itching and pain associated with tick, chigger and fly bites:
                Apply a compress made of: 
- A washcloth dipped in plain or salted (one teaspoon salt in two cups) cool water
- Ice wrapped in a washcloth
- Pulped comfrey, plantain, parsley or mullein leaves
- Raw grated potato
- Thick oatmeal
- A wet tea bag
                Dab bites with: 
- Calamine lotion
- A moist Alka-Seltzer tablet
- Witch hazel
- Heavily salted butter
- Apple cider vinegar
- Raw garlic
- Fresh aloe vera pulp
- Tea tree, neem or emu oil
- Bach Rescue Remedy, drops or cream
- Bug bite oil made by combining 1 teaspoon each of tea tree and lavender oils in one ounce rubbing alcohol or witch hazel
- Thick paste made of baking soda, cornstarch, or arrowroot moistened with water, lemon juice or vinegar. Or a paste made of one teaspoon meat tenderizer mixed with teaspoon water
- Peppermint toothpaste from the health food store
                Soak in a tub of hot water containing one of these soothers: 
- 1/2 cup sea salt
- one cup apple cider vinegar
- one cup cornstarch
- one pound of baking soda

Essential Oil research
There has been research into the effectiveness of certain herbs. Fennel was researched at Seoul National University in Korea where it was found to be effective as a mosquito repellent. Thyme contains carvacrol and alpha-terpinene; two compounds derived from the essential oil displayed significantly greater repellency than the commercial DEET repellent. Don't try to make thyme oil repellent at home as it is too irritating and strong smelling to be used at effective concentrations above 25%. Clove oil research found that the undiluted topical is active against mosquitoes. Clove oil should not be applied undiluted to skin as a homemade repellent; it should be added to carrier oil. Celery extract research revealed that the extract did not irritate the skin or cause a burning sensation and was found to be active against a variety of mosquito species at a rate comparable to a 25% DEET formula. Neem oil, which is extracted from the tropical neem tree has insecticidal compounds called azadirachtins however the neem smell is generally unappealing.

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