Sunday, June 16, 2013

Mind/Body Spirit Synergy for Healing

I have been on a quest to find a way to confirm my knowing and explain the reality of the Mind/Body Spirit synergy. I have been reading, searching the web, and, of course, participating in intense dinner party discussions with family and friends as I search for the ultimate truth.

Mind: is defined as the element or complex of elements in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons; the conscious mental events and capabilities in an organism; the organized conscious and unconscious adaptive mental activity of an organism. Body: is the organized physical substance of an animal or plant either living or dead; the material part or nature of a human being; something that embodies or gives concrete reality. Spirit: an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms; a supernatural being or essence.

The Peoples of the East, the Orient, China/Japan/India have always embraced a Mind/Body/Spirit belief. Over the years, I’ve explored Energetics, which study the human aura, chakras and the impact and use of known and unknown life energy meridians in the body to promote health. There is great knowledge and healing power in these modalities and my understanding is superficial. I truly appreciate Western healers who are bringing this knowledge into their practice. The Creator has given all peoples and cultures pieces of the Truth in the hope we will learn to cooperate and live together.

These Energetic approaches are highly related to concepts found in biologic dentistry, iridology (the study of the eye’s iris to identify body dysfunction), and reflexology (manipulating energy points on the hands and feet to encourage healing of body organs.) It has been of great benefit to me to experience Reiki healing, acupuncture, acupressure and reflexology.

Recently, I’ve investigated the theory underlying German New Medicine (GNM), proposed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, which understands the body as a unified organism. In GNM the psyche (Spirit/Mind) is the integrator of behavior (our perception, understanding and actions) with life experience.  In GNM all areas of conflict are conflicted thought patterns, which are emotional shocks where the person perceives Life as being threatened.

In GNM all areas of conflict, emotional shocks, create an imprint of dis-ease in the brain (mind) and body.  The brain is viewed as the main computer integrating all behavioral functions and conflict areas as they interact with body organs. Brain scans have identified shadowed areas on brain, which are linked to disease which is manifesting in associated body organs. In other words the emotional shocks we experience impact the brain and then manifest in the body.

Both theoretical approaches, Eastern energetic modalities and the German New Medicine, have identified specific mind (brain)-body connections. To understand more about the Spirit, Mind-Body connection, read the writings of Louise Hay who has outlined a spiritual approach to the Mind/Body/Spirit connection.

When Louise Hay was diagnosed with cancer, she considered the alternatives to surgery and drugs, and instead developed an intensive program of affirmations, visualization, nutritional cleansing, and psychotherapy. Within six months, she was completely healed of cancer. Her key message is: "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed." The author has a great deal of experience and firsthand information to share about healing, including how she cured herself after being diagnosed with cancer. The timeless message of the book is that we are each responsible for our own reality and "dis-ease." Hay believes we make ourselves ill by having thoughts of self-hatred. She includes a directory of ailments and emotional causes for each with a corresponding affirmation to help overcome the illness. For example, the probable cause of multiple sclerosis is "mental hardness, hard-heartedness, iron will, and inflexibility." The healing "thought pattern" would be: "By choosing loving, joyous thoughts, I created a loving joyous world. I am safe and free." --P. Randall Cohan

Torkom Saraydarian is a spiritual teacher and writer. Saraydarian’s book Cosmic Shocks tells us that spiritual, energetic, cosmic energy originates in the heart of the galaxy. This Cosmic energy travels through space and eventually impacts with Life on Earth. When the Cosmic energy impacts us it triggers crises in our lives in mind, body or spirit. These crises, or shocks, dis-ease are in other words opportunities for personal growth and learning. Cosmic Shocks creates an understanding that helps us comprehend the interactive quality of Life (Nature) that we see in GNM where disease states are initiated by emotional shocks.

Saraydarian’s book and Dr. Hamer’s GNM have added depth to my understanding of emotional shocks as they adversely impact emotional and physical health. The shocks seem to reach the level consistent with the criteria for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD has a defining characteristic in which a life event cause the person to perceive Life as being threatened---one’s own life, or experiencing and personalizing the death of another.

In the 1990’s I read several books by Torkom Saraydarian (1917-1997). He was a scholar of comparative religions, a great teacher, writer, lecturer, and composer of sacred music. His wisdom teaching stresses ONENESS; that we are not 'separate', but ONE with ALL Life, not just on earth, but throughout Cosmos, each unit a part of a Greater Life or Being.

Larry Dossey, M.D, a long time advocate of integrative and alternative healing approaches, is an expert on role of Mind/Body/Spirit synergy for healing. In the early 1990’s I heard him speak at a conference. Dossey is a traditionally trained physician from Texas. His approach is rooted in science and the value of western medical practice. However, he has also become a recognized advocate for the essential role of the Mind/Body/Spirit synergy to effective healthcare. In the book Reinventing Medicine Dr. Dossey says, "I used to believe that we must choose between science and reason on one hand, and spirituality on the other, in how we lead our lives. Now I consider this a false choice. We can recover the sense of sacredness, not just in science, but in perhaps every area of life."
His words have had a great influence on my understanding of the power of Mind/Body and Spirit working synergistically to maintain and to achieve excellent health—to live healthy.

In Recovering the Soul, as Dr. Dossey discusses the wisdom of ancient texts, quantum physics, mysticism, scientific research, religion and Western medicine developing a picture of our interconnectedness with the universe, and each other. Dossey believes in effective medical intervention, as well as, the need for an effective partnership between patient and healer. He sees us as entering an era of the "non-local mind" where consciousness can accomplish healing outside the confines of one's brain and body. We can influence distant events, people and circumstances through corporate prayer. Dossey empowers us and I view this spiritual empowerment as a key element in living healthy.

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer is considered the father of The German New Medicine. He describes GNM as a natural science, based on five empirically discovered laws that can be applied, in a strong scientific sense, to each and every case of disease of man or mammal. Dr. Hammer believes “These [disease processes, which are initiated by emotional shocks] are purely biological, and have nothing to do with philosophy or religion. If you understand these things [his understanding of the natural healing process inherent to the body] and their relationships, and if you instinctively or consciously apply them (as animals do) you have a 95% chance of survival. It's as simple as that!” (I recommend you read the source material in the link below, as my discussion is very limited.)

Unlike Dossey, Dr. Hamer does not see a role for personal philosophy or religion in the process of healing. To Hamer healing is a purely biological process. Dr. Hammer’s excellent description of the biological healing process de-mystified this process for me and removed many of my misunderstandings and fears. However, I believe when Hamer dismisses the role of Spirit in the process he undercuts, or limits, the healing power of the process. It is Spirit that is the energy of aliveness in nature, animals and people. The emotional shock, that initiates a disease processes, could be found in the Mind/Body or Spirit and therefore needs to be addressed in all areas to achieve the desired out come of long term health and vitality. I speculate that dis-ease relapse has within it an element of unfinished business, emotional shocks, or crises left unattended.

Dr. Hamer is critical of standard western, allopathic medicine (symptomatic medicine). “In our former symptomatic medicine - known as school medicine [allopathic medicine]- we considered such things as inflammation symptoms, fever, and bacteria as belonging together. Then we assumed that bacteria were the cause of these symptoms, although 98% of all other people who had the same bacteria in their bodies didn't present any symptoms such as inflammation and fever. If the patients presented cold symptoms - that is, cold hands and feet, loss of appetite and sleeplessness as in angina pectoris, stomach ulcers, cancer, motor paralysis or neurodermatitis, we ascribed them to genetic causes, stress, bacteria or the autoimmune system. In other words, no one knew anything for sure…. In fact, however, there are only about 500 sound biological [cause/dis-eases]. All begin with…a biological shock experience that catches us unawares in a biological conflict (for example, starvation conflict, refugee conflict, water conflict etc.) In the first phase -  - we have cold hands, cold periphery, sleeplessness, and loss of weight as long as the conflict is active. After the conflict has been resolved, which is what happens in most cases in nature, the conflict resolution phase or healing phase… sets in until the consequences of the conflict-active phase have been remedied or until the organism is healthy again and has returned to its normal rhythm. This two-phase character of the sound biological [that which causes dis-ease] during the resolution of a conflict can be observed equally and simultaneously at all three levels (psyche [sense of self/attitudes/values], brain, and organ).

Both Dossey and Hamer (and me as well) agree that the patient must have a valued, empowered role in medical decision-making. Dr. Hamer makes this statement about GNM: Since it is the patient who is "in charge of the process", you can't just apply a therapy without taking the "person in charge" into consideration. The "patient in charge" must understand the sequence of events in his own process, otherwise he isn't in charge any more. We try to provide good, competent specialist and humane support and advice so that together we can find the optimal solution to his biological conflict.

When the empowered individual locates and addresses the roots of dis-ease in all areas of their life, Mind, Body and Spirit, you will find what you seek. After a health crisis and surgery, I asked my Guidance, What should I do? Should I do chemotherapy and radiation treatments, or should I do nothing? My Inner Guidance responded to my individual situation. Whatever You chose to do--- you will end up in the same place. What is it that you really want?

My Guidance did not create fear in me. The allopathic physicians I was seeing were all about creating a state of fear in me to get me to submit to their treatments. It was not an easy choice to go against the tide of Western medicine—their “standard of care.” It needs to be mentioned that the standard of care is often defined by one’s level of insurance coverage. My allopathic physicians viewed themselves as having a team approach and I was shocked to find out I was not a member of the team.

My inner self knew I needed to take self-responsibility for my own health—the truth is--- only the Body can heal itself. I created a health plan that included a variety of spiritual techniques, psychological therapy, the services of an alternative physician, acupuncture, exercise, diet and lifestyle changes.

The end result of my search is that there is a Mind/Body/Spirit synergy that works to promote Life. Because I accept this premise it worked for me. What I am talking about is faith. If you do not accept this premise it won’t work for you. You can have faith in a medical model or particular treatment, faith in Nature and a natural life, faith in Self, faith in God. All healing is faith healing.

Dossey, Larry.  Recovering the Soul: A Scientific and Spiritual Search. Bantam (1989)  

Dossey, Larry.  Space, Time & Medicine. Shambhala (1982).

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